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treadway test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hey y'all,


I am trying to get the club plugins (drawSVG & ScrambleText) to work in an Angular app (5.2). GSAP was added with NPM and the plugins were added to an assets folder. I also added the paths in the angular.cli (after some failed tests). There is no error on the plugin import but neither plugin works.

The scrambleText  (#inititalizing) does show a runtime error "invalid scrambleText tween value: [object Object]"


I have loaded multiple ways (just in case)

import DrawSVGPlugin from "../../assets/js/gsap/DrawSVGPlugin";
import ScrambleTextPlugin from "../../assets/js/gsap/ScrambleTextPlugin";


import * as DrawSVGPlugin from "../../assets/js/gsap/DrawSVGPlugin";
import * as ScrambleTextPlugin from "../../assets/js/gsap/ScrambleTextPlugin";


I have tried set and to & fromTo

I have tried just the id and nativeElement

    TweenMax.set("#line-two", {drawSVG:"0%"});
    TweenMax.to("#line-two", 1, {delay: 5, drawSVG:"100%"});
    TweenMax.fromTo("#line-two", 1, {drawSVG:"0%"}, {delay: 5, drawSVG:"100%"});
    TweenMax.fromTo(this.lineTwo.nativeElement, 1, {drawSVG:"0%"}, {delay: 5, drawSVG:"100%"});

    TweenMax.to("#inititalizing", 3, {scrambleText:{text:"inititalizing...", chars:"10", revealDelay:0.5, speed:0.3}});

    TweenMax.fromTo("#dot", .75, {transformOrigin:"50% 50%", scaleX:0, scaleY:0}, {delay: 5, scaleX:1, scaleY:1});

...Also the simple #dot animation at the end works fine. And all the #line-two are not in the code together at the same time, just all here to display the different tests.


Any clue to why these would be failing to animate? (definitely a plugin only issue)

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7 minutes ago, treadway said:

I also added the paths in the angular.cli (after some failed tests).


Do you do this?



Remember to use files that are not modules, so no npm. Just use files from minified or uncompressed folders of your download.


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Ahhhh YES! It was Tree Shaking.


Ok so adding the desired plugins from  "bonus-for-npm-users" in an assets folder. 

No need for any addition to the angular.cli.

Importing with "import * as DrawSVGPlugin from "..assets folder"" in the component that is is used in and the root component.

And adding "plugins = [ScrambleTextPlugin, DrawSVGPlugin];" to the root component (no "const" as it causes an error).


And bingo all is well!

(thought it may be helpful for a list of what worked.)


Thanks so much for your help Jack & Blake, Cheers!

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3 hours ago, treadway said:

And adding "plugins = [ScrambleTextPlugin, DrawSVGPlugin];" to the root component (no "const" as it causes an error).


That sounds a little odd. What is the error?


And are you going to do an Angular optimized build? If so, please test that out as soon as possible.

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