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hkjhjguyk test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Good question. Obviously it would be pretty bad for business if folks started sharing the bonus plugins for free in open source projects. I appreciate you saying that you would just point to the bonus files as external dependencies (rather than actually including the files). Sounds fair enough. 


Folks with a "Business Green" license are allowed to distribute the bonus plugins as a part of their Work Product as long as they make it clear to their users that the GreenSock files are subject to their own license and can be used solely as a part of the [unedited] Work Product. And of course we'd sure appreciate if only the minified files were distributed. 


We've never sued anyone and our entire business model relies on the honor system (see https://greensock.com/why-license). We extend a lot of respect and trust to our users in the hopes that'll be reciprocated. Thus far, it has worked pretty well; we're blessed to have amazing customers. We don't burn a bunch of hours trying to hunt down violations. Fortunately, our fantastic community tends to "have our back" and gently self-corrects when necessary. We try to focus our attention more on delivering solid tools and friendly support (like in these forums). 


Thanks for asking the question - it shows that you're exactly the type of customer we love serving. Glad you're a Club GreenSock member! Happy tweening!

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Yeah, if it's all compiled/minified into a big blob with other stuff and the licensing is clear, that should be fine (assuming your project doesn't actually compete with our offerings, like if it'd make it easy for people to just grab your free thing instead of getting the proper GreenSock license/tool, that'd kinda suck). 

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