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TimelineLite with null target ?

jonForum test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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am experimenting with timeLine

Exist a way to add a simple instance with callback but without target ?


        const actiontl = new TimelineLite();
actiontl.to(items, 0.2, {x:'+=140',y:'-=140', ease: Power4.easeOut },'#step1')
        .to(items.map(i => i.scale), 0.3, {x:0.8,y:0.8, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(1, 0.3) },'#step1')
        .to(items, 0.1, {x:target.p.x ,y:target.p.y-(target.p.height/2), ease: Back.easeIn.config(1) } )
        .to(null, 0, { onStart: () => { target.s.state.setAnimation(1, "hit1", false) } } ) //FIXME NO WORK !
        .from(items.map(i => i.scale), 0.3, {x:2,y:2, ease: Power4.easeOut } ,'#hit')
        .from(items, 0.3, {rotation:4, ease: Power4.easeOut } ,'#hit')
        .to(items, 1, {x:'-=100' ,y:'-=150', ease: Expo.easeOut },'#hit' )
        .to(items, 0.6, {x:'-=15' ,y:target.p.y, ease: Bounce.easeOut } )

So example here .to(null, 0, { onStart: () => { target.s.state.setAnimation(1, "hit1", false) } } )

i found more readable to split my event from animation, but i get 

"Cannot tween a null target.";

So if i understand we can no work like this , i need to add the event callback onStart in a valide timeline with target ?
Or existe a way to use a empty timeline with only a event ?


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