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Reducing Tinit in TweenLite

soupking test
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I've got to make this file 30k, and the Pligun thing weighs too much.


I tried to go in and delete plugins but it keep giving errors. No time.


It's been a while for me, is there a script I can comment out to make the Plugin thing lighter?

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This was the code I used:


TweenLite.to(copy2_mc.copy2c_mc, .2, {tint:0xffffff, delay: 1.3, overwrite:0});

TweenLite.to(copy2_mc.copy2c_mc, .4, {tint:null, delay: 1.45, ease:Sine.easeOut, overwrite:0});


Yeah, I guess it only adds another K, unfortunately, I'm squeezing a square box through a round hole with this one. Just too small.


Heck, my AS3 classes weigh 11k. That's so much. I should've probably just tried to frame animate the thing (which I hate doing, but this is an exception).


Between AS3, reunifying myself with TweenLite, and dealing with the creative restraints, I'm pretty much stuck without it.


Thanks though.


So TweenLite Plugin Object Class is used for all TweenLite stuff now right?

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So TweenLite Plugin Object Class is used for all TweenLite stuff now right?

I don't follow your question. Could you rephrase it?


Also, if you're looking for the absolute smallest size and are willing to give up some functionality, you can use TweenNano. It has the exact same syntax as TweenLite but is only about 1.6k. Read the docs to find out what you can't do with it, though - it can't use plugins for example. But you can use an onUpdate to do whatever you want as far as applying custom values during the tween (for things like tint). Tweening the tint like that is messier, but it can save you some kb.

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