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GSAP poor frame rate of Safari

Dream Awake test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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So this seems to be an ongoing issue and brought up in the past, I followed the suggestions such as force3D and using x,y rather that left,top - though it seems that wasn't the problem. After some investigation, I noticed that the performance differs depending what monitor I am viewing from. If I am using the retina display on my MacBook pro, I get a choppy frame rate. This doesn't occur in Chrome. Though external monitors are fine.

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GSAP doesn't do any rendering, so it's probably not related to GSAP.


30 minutes ago, Dream Awake said:

I noticed that the performance differs depending what monitor I am viewing from. If I am using the retina display on my MacBook pro, I get a choppy frame rate. This doesn't occur in Chrome. Though external monitors are fine.


Does it perform better if you reduce the size of the window? A retina display has A LOT of pixels to render. That's like 4k or 5k, and requires good hardware to run at a good framerate. 



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That wouldn't surprise me because Chrome and Safari don't work the same way. Safari doesn't seem to optimize a lot of stuff, as seen here. Safari is webkit, and Chrome is blink. Layout and paint can hurt performance, and Safari has to do a layout and paint for pretty much everything.


Also, try adding will-change: transform; to your CSS. Just be aware that it can cause other issues, particularly if scale is involved.





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