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Question about canceling a tween on Click

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I'm working on a project in as2


Basically I have a bar on the stage that houses an ad if you click it the ad opens, if not in 4 seconds the ad goes away and there is a tab that also has a smaller ad that will expand the ad. My problem is even when the bar is clicked the ad opens and then the bar after 4 seconds goes away anyway. Is there a way to have that tween that happens in 4 seconds stop cancel if the bar is clicked so it won't retract?


Here is my code: (it looks like a lot but its not that bad)


// This will drop the bar after 4 seconds and shrink the button state to the second tab

TweenMax.to(bar_mc, 1, {_y:733, delay:4});

TweenMax.to(button_state_btn, 1, {_y:733, delay: 4});


// This is the code to open and close the bar

button_state_btn.onPress = function() {

TweenMax.to(word_mark, 1, {_alpha:100, delay:2});

TweenMax.to(logo, 1, {_x:518, _alpha:100, delay: 2});

TweenMax.to(spots_container.spots3, 30, {_y:150, repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone, _alpha:100})

TweenMax.to(spots_container.spots2, 30, {_y:150, repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone, delay:9, _alpha:100})

TweenMax.to(spots_container.spots1, 28, {_y:150, repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone, _alpha:100})

// Above tweens spots

TweenMax.to(mask_mc, 1, {_y:0, _yscale:1501});

TweenMax.to(close_bar_btn, 1, {_y:0, delay: 1});



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You lots of tools to choose from:


You can use TweenLite.killTweensOf(YOUR_OBJECT) to kill all tweens of a particular object.


You can kill() individual tweens like myTween.kill(). For example:

var myTween:TweenMax = TweenMax.to(bar_mc, 1, {_y:733, delay:4});
//...then later...


You could put your code in a function that has conditional logic in it, like:

TweenLite.delayedCall(4, on4SecTimeout);
function on4SecTimeout():Void {
   if (!barIsOpen) {
       //do tweens here...


Just a few ideas :)

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