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draggable with friendly iframe cause error

OxXxigen test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Draggable does a lot of calculations under the hood to manage bounds and collisions (even inside transformed parents). I'm almost positive Draggable was not designed to be injected into an iframe from a parent. iframes are usually bad news when it comes to any sort of communication between the iframe and its parent as browsers have all sorts of security measure in place to prevent malicious activity.


We'll see if there is a reasonable fix, but I'm doubtful this will be considered a legitimate bug. 


If you are loading Draggable from the same location it will most likely be cached and really not impact load performance at all.


Thanks for posting and for creating the demo. If we find this is something that can be fixed we will post back here.

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_getOffset2DMatrix = function(e, offsetOrigin, parentOffsetOrigin, zeroOrigin, isBase) {
				if (e === window || !e || !e.style || !e.parentNode) {
					return [1,0,0,1,0,0];
				var cache = e._dCache || _cache(e),
					parent = e.parentNode,
					parentCache = parent._dCache || _cache(parent),
_cache = function(e) {
				if (Draggable.cacheSVGData !== false && e._dCache && e._dCache.lastUpdate === TweenLite.ticker.frame) {
					return e._dCache;
				var cache = e._dCache = e._dCache || {},
					cs = _getComputedStyle(e),

as we can see, function "_getOffset2DMatrix" has check for "!e.style" but into function "_cache" we send "e.parentNode". "_cache" function has no checks 

and try to get computed style. in this case

e.nodeName === 'HTML' && e.style && !e.parentNode.style
// e.parentNode is frame.contentWindow.document


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I have an issue similar to @OxXxigen which I think should be investigated. Draggable creates the same error when inside a Shadow DOM, which works a lot like an iframe. However, one difference is that when inside a Shadow DOM, the parentNode might be a document fragment, so the host element might be the actual parent.




See the error in this demo. If you remove the "create-shadow" attribute, it won't create a shadowRoot, and everything works fine.


<!-- Has shadowRoot, creates error -->
<my-draggable create-shadow></my-draggable>

<!-- No shadowRoot, no error -->



See the Pen Wyyoro by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen



And check out the ES6 import in that demo. Look ma, no webpack! ?


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@OSUblake, I think we could probably support the ShadowDom thing, but I don't think it's realistic to support iframes because it'd impact the codebase more extensively and there are security "gotchas" and it's quite an edge case.


Does this updated Draggable work the way you'd expect for the ShadowDom stuff?: 


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Hi @OxXxigen did you consider using Cross Document Messaging to emit whatever data you want from draggable to be shared between the page and the iFrame?


I think you can use Draggable in whatever place you need, track the necessary information and pass it as a message down to whoever needs to react to it. Never done it myself but from what I understand of the theory, it should be possible.



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On 6/27/2018 at 3:30 PM, GreenSock said:

Does this updated Draggable work the way you'd expect for the ShadowDom stuff?: 


It's looking good with HTML. SVG is a different story.


An <svg> element can be made draggable, but throws an error with a bounds.

const svg = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#svg");  
// OK

Draggable.create(svg, {
  bounds: this



Trying to make anything inside an SVG draggable will create an error, regardless of bounds.

const ball = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#ball");  

Draggable.create(ball, {
  bounds: this



See the Pen LrqmvP by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen


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