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check if element has class in timelinemax

mary92 test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I would like to change position of element ".hotspot"  based on their additional classes ("hotspot-left", "hotspot-right"). Here's the example to give you the general idea (of course jQuery function hasClass doesn't work):


$(".hotspot").hover(over, out);
TweenMax.set(".popup", { autoAlpha: 0 } );
function over(){
var overTl = new TimelineMax();
.to($(this).hasClass("hotspot-left"), 0.5, { x: -20, ease: Power2.easeIn } )
.to($(this).hasClass("hotspot-right"), 0.5, { x: 20, ease: Power2.easeIn } )
.to($(this).find(".icon .group"), 0.3, { fill: "#fff", ease: Power3.easeIn } )
.to($(this).find(".popup"), 0.3, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power4.easeIn } )
.fromTo($(this).find(".copy"), 0.3, { y: -20, autoAlpha: 0 }, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1 } )


Also, I want to run first two tweens of TimelineMax at the same time - can do this by adding 0 at the end, as I remember?


Thanks in advance! 



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Hi @mary92,


`$(this).hasClass("hotspot-left")` will return true or false, not an element. If you want to add to the timeline conditionally, you can wrap that tween in an if statement.


$(".hotspot").hover(over, out);
TweenMax.set(".popup", { autoAlpha: 0 } );
function over(){
	var overTl = new TimelineMax();

	if( $(this).hasClass("hotspot-left") ){
		overTl.to( $(this) , 0.5 , { x: -20, ease: Power2.easeIn } )

	if( $(this).hasClass("hotspot-right") ){
		overTl.to( $(this) , 0.5, { x: 20, ease: Power2.easeIn } )

	.to($(this).find(".icon .group"), 0.3, { fill: "#fff", ease: Power3.easeIn } )
	.to($(this).find(".popup"), 0.3, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power4.easeIn } )
	.fromTo($(this).find(".copy"), 0.3, { y: -20, autoAlpha: 0 }, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1 } )



Hope this helps!


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