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borderRadius not work for ie8?

linhaiforest test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hello everyone, I am a Chinese guy, English is not very good, this is Google translation, please forgive ..

I'm doing something small and need to support ie8,Then find a problem,Here is the simplified code:


<script src="js/greensock/TweenMax.min.js"></script>
  TweenMax.set(".control input",{ borderRadius:5});

<div class="control">
    <input type="button" id="playBtn" value="play">
    <input type="button" id="pauseBtn" value="pause">
    <input type="button" id="resumeBtn" value="resume">
    <input type="button" id="restartBtn" value="restart">


I use virtual machine test, ie8 borderRadius no effect,Am I wrong?


thank !

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Certain properties are possible to "fake" in IE8 (like transforms and opacity), but others are simply impossible. border-radius is impossible. Sorry. 


And to be clear, GSAP doesn't claim to make every CSS property work across all versions of all browsers. Another example: you cannot do 3D transforms in IE8. 


I'm curious - why are you designing for IE8? Microsoft itself dropped support for it many, many years ago. Most sites on the web make no attempt to work on IE8 either. Is there a particular reason you're targeting IE8? 

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I would strongly recommend showing your boss how expensive it will be to support IE8 and that it's likely not worth it. There's only a tiny portion of Internet traffic on that browser, and I'm guessing it's not your target audience. You may have to sacrifice a bunch of nice features on your site, plus burn 20-50% more time...all to support a browser that less than 2% of the people on the web use. 


Totally up to you, of course. Most developers left IE8 in the dust long ago. 

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The only way to get border-radius on IE8 is to fake it with a polyfill like CSS3Pie




But you wont be able to animate it, at least not in a easy way.


GSAP can only animate the properties, in this case CSS3 properties that are already supported in the browser. If the browser does not support the CSS property border radius in IE8 then GSAP cant animate it since it doesn't exist in the browser.


Besides, Mircosoft doesn't even support IE8 anymore :)



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