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Dropdown (HTML select) component

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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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i would like to create my own HTML dropdown component, similiar to this one https://semantic-ui.com/modules/dropdown.html but with GreenSock animation support :)


I have following questions:


  1. Is there any effective way of creating nice component code for greensock or it really doesn't matter (KISS method and reusable code)?
  2. How can i animate scrolling inner content by items? (i guess i will need to measure height of one item and then scroll it)
  3. Can i publish that component somewhere for others? I would like to create animated UI component pack with some extra JS features like searching etc.

Thanks for any kind of help.

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Here are some thoughts


  1. Is there any effective way of creating nice component code for greensock or it really doesn't matter (KISS method and reusable code)?

There isn't really an official way of doing this if that is what you are asking. Go with what works best for you. if you hit any snags, let us know.


  1. How can i animate scrolling inner content by items? (i guess i will need to measure height of one item and then scroll it)

Not exactly sure what you are asking. A simple demo would help, but it sounds like your guess is accurate.

  1. Can i publish that component somewhere for others? I would like to create animated UI component pack with some extra JS features like searching etc.

Yes, for most cases but keep in mind: If you are selling your product to multiple people you will need a Business Green membership http://www.greensock.com/club. If you are distributing your components for free AND they contain members-only plugins like MorphSVG, ThrowProps, DrawSVG etc, you can not include the members only files with your source code. 

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