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ScrollToPluging Margin Top Issue

magtechpro test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I am new to GSAP, I am facing a one problem when I click on left hand navigation to go on specific ID the navigation does not highlight, Interestingly it highlight one before navigation link. You can see the demo on this link and it make sense to you. 


I want to scroll just before blue border line with little bit margin from top. 


I know it is the scroll Margin from TOP but I could not figure out how to achieve this.


it's a big code that's why I could not paste on Codepen so that's why I am providing the link.






any help will be highly appreciate.


Thanks Folks  

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Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums,


when I click on left hand navigation to go on specific ID the navigation does not highlight, Interestingly it highlight one before navigation link.



I'm not seeing any highlighting at all (anyone else?) so I'm not sure what to suggest. One of the reasons we ask for a CodePen demo is because it allows you to supply only the code necessary to replicate the problem. You should be able to create a few navigation items and some divs that scroll into view with very little code. This will greatly help us focus on the issue and provide a solution. It just isn't feasible for us to try to trouble-shoot all the CSS, HTML and JS on your live site.


EDIT: oh, ok now i see it is that very dark blue color.

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Hi folks, Thanks very much for quick response. This is the code I used and manipulate with my code. As you can see this slider goes all the way top, but I want a margin from top as you can see on live website. http://magtechpro.work/alphabetic/

See the Pen EtdwL by grayghostvisuals (@grayghostvisuals) on CodePen

Thanks I hope it make sense to you.

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