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Using SplitText in Adobe Animate

Martin Klasson test
Moderator Tag

Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I have used TweenMax back in the time when Flash Professionell used to export SWF-files.

But anyhow, my problem is:


I use a Adobe/GSAP banner template, in which the TweenMax is loaded over https. Works great.

I have added SplitText.min.js so that it loads correctly as well.


But is it possible to use this in Adobe Animate?

I have only used Static textfields before – and I dont know how to use the SplitText now?!

I changed to Dynamic textfield, but that removes my font of choice.


And the selector for the textfields name – does not seem to work.


How can I use Adobe Animate and SplitText together? Is it possible?

I just bought the Shockingly Green license to be able to do just this thing ;/


Thanks. Martin

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Hello Martin and welcome to the GreenSock Forum!


Unfortunately SplitText is DOM based only. It is not used on canvas which Adobe Animate outputs to via EaselJS. EaselJS is a canvas library. SplitText splits the characters, words or lines of HTML text. Then wraps the HTML text with div tags.


The canvas element just paints the graphics within the canvas element. So it is not possible for div tags to wrap your text in a canvas element.


You can find more info on the SplitText Plugin docs




Please let us know if you have any more questions!



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Hi Martin. Sorry to hear about the challenges. Like Jonathan said, Adobe Animate only uses canvas which is kinda like a big blob of pixels to the browser, so it's a completely different beast than "regular" text in the browser. SplitText is made for typical text in the browser. If you purchased your Club GreenSock membership solely for SplitText (thinking it could be used in canvas text), we'd be happy to issue a full refund. We're passionate about having happy customers around here. Just shoot me a request if you'd like to cancel your membership and get a refund. No problem at all.


Happy tweening!

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