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Is there anyway that the tweens inside a timeline can govern their own times?

below I have add the code I am working with. I understand that the 0.2 at the end staggers the tweens but the thing is I need my tweens to start at different times.


Am I missing something or is this an impossible task?



var PageTimeLine:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();

	new TweenLite(background2, 0.40, {x:444.9,y:229.7,width:156.2,height:119.2,ease:Sine.easeOut}),
	new	TweenLite(background2, 1, {delay:0.40,overwrite:false,x:52.5,y:25.3,width:940.9,height:718.4,ease:Elastic.easeOut}),
	new TweenLite(hometab, 0.1, {delay:1.40,overwrite:false,x:90.5,y:62.2}),
	new TweenLite(hometab, 0.20, {delay:2,overwrite:false,alpha:100,x:15.4,y:62.2,ease:Sine.easeOut}),
	new TweenLite(animationtab, 0.1, {delay:1.40,overwrite:false,x:97,y:69.5}),
	new TweenLite(animationtab, 0.40, {delay:2,overwrite:false,alpha:100,x:22.1,y:69.5,ease:Sine.easeOut}),
	new TweenLite(illtab, 0.1, {delay:1.40,overwrite:false,x:99.5,y:112.5}),
	new TweenLite(illtab, 1, {delay:2,overwrite:false,alpha:100,x:24.4,y:112.5,ease:Sine.easeOut}),
	new TweenLite(abouttab, 0.1, {delay:1.40,overwrite:false,x:101.8,y:155.8}),
	new TweenLite(abouttab, 1.10, {delay:2,overwrite:false,alpha:100,x:26.9,y:155.8,ease:Sine.easeOut}),
	new TweenLite(contacttab, 0.1, {delay:1.40,overwrite:false,x:104.2,y:187.1}),
	new TweenLite(contacttab, 1.40, {alpha:100,x:29.2,y:187.1,ease:Sine.easeOut})],

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Of course! You have complete control over where your tweens get placed with the insert() method. Put them wherever you want. Keep inserting or appending as much as you want. The tweens can overlap or not. There can be large gaps of time between them if you want. Really, there's no limitations (at least none that I can think of). You can even move a tween by altering its"startTime" property. Tons of flexibility.


So if you want to insert a tween at exactly 3.1 seconds into myTimeline, do:


myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite(mc, 1, {x:100}), 3.1);


Hope that clears things up. Check out the documentation at http://www.greensock.com/as/docs/tween/


Have fun.


PS You don't need to set overwrite:false on all those tweens. TimelineLite automatically inits OverwriteManager which sets the overwite mode to AUTO. Be very careful about setting overwrite:false because you're telling the engine to turn off all its features that prevent conflicting tweens.

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