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DrawSVG update position

aroy002 test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I'm using the DrawSVGPlugin.GetPosition with good success to check if an SVG has drawn itself to a certain point before triggering a separate animation, like so - 


if (DrawSVGPlugin.getPosition(".svg-line #filled")[1] > 60) { 


do animation




else {


reverse animation




This works great when using the touchpad on my macbook. However, I just noticed on mouse scrollwheels, that it doesn't seem to catch the IF statement condition if I scroll past it in 1 long flick. If I scroll even a small amount afterwards, this triggers the animation. Is there an update function or way to fix this issue?



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I wonder if maybe you're using a 3rd party scroll-based library like ScrollMagic? DrawSVGPlugin doesn't concern itself at all with the scroll position, so I'm pretty sure the issue you're mentioning is totally unrelated to GreenSock code. Perhaps it's an issue you should contact the author of the other library about? (Just a guess - like Zach said, it'd be super helpful to see a reduced test case in a codepen or something). 

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I'm not using scrollmagic for this particular animation. I'm using the getPosition value of the DrawSVG plugin to determine a tweenmax animation (fade in). There is no scrollmagic scene code involved. And like I said, it works perfectly on touch pads, because the scrolling is smooth scrolling. With choppy scrolling on a mousewheel, I can "jump over" the position conditional. It recognizes that it went over the value as soon as I start scrolling the second time (either with the mouse or touchpad).

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