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caperaven test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I am busy doing research on components required for a massive project our company is doing in 2016.

I was playing around with greensock along with aurelia and I must say that I am very happy and impressed on how quick the startup is with this library and the results it produces.


I would like to thank you for all your efforts and if we decide to use greensock, i think we will have to throw some money your way for a license. 


Please keep up your great work and hope to see many more cool stuff coming from your talented team.

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That's great to hear, caperaven. I sure appreciate you sharing the sentiments. Happy to hear you were able to get up and running quickly. I think you'll find that the deeper you get, the more you're gonna like GSAP (we hear that sort of thing a lot). 


Let us know if you need anything at all. 


And by the way, we are looking to move toward more ES6 module-friendly packaging soon. I assume that may help smooth things out a bit with Aurelia (though I'm not familiar with Aurelia at all). We'll keep hammering away and improving the platform. 


Happy tweening!

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Accessing the dom is pretty simple


1. you can do normal dom query

this.svg = this.element.querySelector('#svg'); 


2. you can inject the element of a custom element in the constructor
constructor(element) { }


3. you can use ref to name a element in a custom element for easy access.



for animation you can use css or create a plugin or just use greensock.
I just use greensock ;)


TweenMax.allTo([this.progressRect, this.markerRect], 0.5, {y:top, ease:Cubic.easeInOut});


The important part of aurelia is to remember that it is standards based.

So it's pretty much normal ES6 javascript with templating, binding, shadow dom... on top.


Something to look at from a greensock perspective on aurelia


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thanks for sharing the eisenberg video. very interesting how they aim to solve not only the "technical" aspects but the "business" aspects as well:


"companies are investing millions of dollars building large apps on top of these open-source frameworks (like Angular), but they don't come with any  guarantees of "term of life", or priority support. There's really no real notion that these frameworks (like Angular) are "official products". When Aurelia is released it will be an official MS product that comes with all those assurances" -- (very roughly paraphrased).


Sounds like a great approach.

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