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Does anyone here use Grunticon to embed inline svgs before using GSAP?

jstafford test
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Go to solution Solved by OSUblake,

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I prefer not to paste inline svgs into my code. I have been using external references to pull in my svg and let greensock animate with the object tags like so:


<object type="image/svg+xml" id="example-id" data="path-to-svg/example.svg>
I was then fetching the specific elements within the svg to animate but this has become very cumbersome.
function getNavSvgEl(elId, className) {
var svgDoc = document.getElementById(elId).getSVGDocument();
return svgDoc.getElementsByClassName(className);
I have been playing around with grunticon as a way to embed svgs inline to get the advantges of having inline SVG in my DOM without having to do the awkward fetch function above. With initial tests, Greensock seems to be able to animate these embedded svgs as if they are inline. Has anyone had experience with this that could offer any advice before I get to far along and realize too late? Has anyone had problems with Grunticon in a GSAP animate workflow? 
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I've never used it, so I can't speak from experience, but this seems geared towards icons with png fallbacks. Is that what you are trying to do, or are you just trying to inline SVGs? GruntIcon is not inlining the SVGs as a build task. It adds a script to your file which uses AJAX to inline them at runtime. Not sure I see the value in using GruntIcon for this reason as AJAX is very easy to do, especially with jQuery
With jQuery: http://plnkr.co/edit/khmnvLO3JfWRTkSuami4?p=preview
Without: http://plnkr.co/edit/c1cHZKzolHdz6nNEcvtZ?p=preview
If you want to include SVGs as a build task (so they are not added at runtime), you might be better off using something like gulp-inject.

  <!-- foo:svg -->
  <!-- your svg will go here... -->
  <!-- endinject -->

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Pretty much every SVG injector out there uses AJAX, so you'll be able to find a lot of resources out there if you run into trouble. Just make sure your SVG is loaded before you try to animate it.


As I said before, super easy with jQuery.

$("#some-container").load("mysvg.svg", startAnimation);

function startAnimation() {
  TweenMax.to("#foo", 1, { x: 100 });
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Loading stuff is going to be much easier in the future thanks to the Fetch API. I just tested it out in Chrome. Only 3 lines of code. Easy breezy!

  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(svg => document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", svg));

See the Pen 06680b4e98d0a085423baea65e40b191?editors=001 by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen

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Hi Blake, just wanted you to know that Todd Motto's way (img src) is still referencing the svg as an external document and it is not part of the DOM. His modernizr jquery script is nice and I may use it for png stuff and ie8, but your jquery ajax load way allowed me to gain access to the id and classes within the SVG itself without having to do the additional awkward fetches (getSvgDocument, then getId or getClass, etc.) after including the svg in an object data or img src tag . You are the genius sir. Thanks again.

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