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How to return timeline outside of loop?

mthomson test
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Go to solution Solved by Jonathan,

Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I'm a little confused about how to return a timeline for later use. 

I have a number of elements that I am looping through and playing my timeline on, however, I need to return the timeline outside of this loop, so that I can call the .kill() method on it, inside of another function.


So my functions looks like this: 

dtnavs = {
    runStuff: function(){

    killStuff: function(){
        // not sure how to kill the cellFloatTL here?

    cellFloatyTweens: function(){
          cellFloatTL = new TimelineMax()
          .to(this, dtnavs.getRandomNum(8,17), {xPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(0.5,12.5), yPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(1.5,14), rotation: "'-=" + dtnavs.getRandomNum(-20,1) + "'", yoyo:true, repeat:-1, ease: Power2.easeInOut});
          cellFloatTL.seek(9); //So when it starts it's already moving




Is it possible to call kill on this timeline, inside another method/function? I thought I could possibly do this, but it doesn't seem to be working:

dtnavs = {
    runStuff: function(){

    killStuff: function(){

    cellFloatyTweens: function(){
      cellFloatTL = new TimelineMax();
          cellFloatTL.to(this, dtnavs.getRandomNum(8,17), {xPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(0.5,12.5), yPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(1.5,14), rotation: "'-=" + dtnavs.getRandomNum(-20,1) + "'", yoyo:true, repeat:-1, ease: Power2.easeInOut});
            cellFloatTL.seek(9); //So when it starts it's already moving

        return  cellFloatTL;

The above code only runs my tween on one of the dtnavs.cell elements, and I need it to loop through them all and then be able to kill the whole thing at a later time.

Thanks in advance for any insight. 
PS: I can add a codepen if you need, but my issue is really in syntax, not with the tween it's self, so I thought that just code would be sufficient here.

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  • Solution

Usually for building a timeline sequence with different parts you could do something like this:

var masterTL = new TimelineMax({paused:true});

function carMove(){

     var tl = new TimelineMax();

     tl.to("#car", 2, {x:"+=200"})
     /* more tweens go here */

     return tl;

function wheelsRotate(){

     var tl = new TimelineMax();

     tl.to("#wheels", 2, {rotation:"+=360"})
     /* more tweens go here */

     return tl;

.add( carMove())
.add( wheelsRotate() )

This way you use the different parts for your animation over again depending on what you are animating :)

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Thanks Jonathan - That makes things a bit more clear. So would it also work if your carMove and wheelsRotate functions used TweenMax, instead of Timelines? I just want to fully grasp the different ways timelines and tweens work together.

Like this:

var masterTL = new TimelineMax({paused:true});

function carMove(){

     var tween = TweenMax.to("#car", 2, {x:"+=200"})
     /* more tweens go here */

     return tween;

function wheelsRotate(){

    var tween = TweenMax.to("#wheels", 2, {rotation:"+=360"})
     /* more tweens go here */

     return tween;

.add( carMove())
.add( wheelsRotate() )
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Yes since the GSAP add() method accepts a timeline, and a tween instance like TweenMax or TweenLite. But it would be best practice just to use a timeline since you will have greater control when you use timelines in GSAP :D



  • value : *
    The tween, timeline, callback, or label (or array of them) to add
.add( value:*, position:*, align:String, stagger:Number ) 




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