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animating masked SVG

celli test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I am experimenting with masking with SVG+GSAP, and I am looking for the simplest cross-browser solution.


Here is the simplest solution I can see in the codePen, and it works in Safari and Chrome. In FireFox I see the mask, but it looks like GSAP doesn't animate it, and in IE9-10 I don't see the clip-path work, although it looks like IE 8+ supports the clip-path.


Using this as a starter, does anyone know of a way to tweak the masking to work in IE and FF ?

See the Pen LpEqJg by celli (@celli) on CodePen

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I'm still trying to find the best way to animate a mask, and I want to use the power of GSAP--so I found that snap SVG does a great job of allowing cross-browser masking and morphing of SVG shapes. I am mixing snap and GSAP, and I can get the ID of a snap created element, and control all of them with GSAP, which seems to work cross-browser--all except when I try and animate the MASK!


If you see this new codePen, I can animate all elements with GSAP, except for the mask which is "tl3" at the bottom of the JS code... any way to get the mask to animate with GSAP ?


See the Pen gapLjN by celli (@celli) on CodePen

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As far as I remember, and I'm far from being a SVG expert, Snap does expose an API for the elements created with it, that can be accessed and Tweened with GSAP without too much problems.


Also Anthony created a Snap plugin based on the original RaphaelJS plugin, since Snap and Raphael were created by the same guy but the difference is browser support:




Take a look at it and let us know how it works.

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Thanks Rodrigo, I am now using the GSAPSnapPlugin, but I don't see it working. I can find all elements, and animate them all with GSAP, all except for my MASK! I am using the snapPlugin syntax like this, just replacing 'raphael' for 'snap' (it's the last line of code in the codePen: 

See the Pen gapLjN by celli (@celli) on CodePen

TweenLite.to("#maskee", 3, {snap:{x:100, y:100}, ease:Power1.easeInOut});
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Hi Celli,


The codepen link is broken :(


What you could do is create a console call to see what is being exposed in the mask and how it can be animated using GSAP. This is from Snap's docs:




As I see it does exposes an x and y, so perhaps you might not need the snap:{} config object and just reference the mask directly:

TweenLite.to(myMask, 1, {x:300, y:300});

Sorry but I'm very short of free time now so I can't set up a working sample now. Hopefully this helps somehow.

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Thanks Rodrigo, I think codePen was down! I updated the codePen--and I exposed the ID of the mask and I can animate it with SNAP but not GSAP, not sure why though. I put some comments in the JS to show snap animating the same element (mask) that I am trying to animate with GSAP. I'm going around in circles :) I've tried so many things, but I can't seem to target the mask. 

See the Pen gapLjN by celli (@celli) on CodePen


I love GSAP so much, I just really wish there was a GSAP mask plugin!

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