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TweenMax ScrollTo plugin keeps resetting window position

anthonyhonciano test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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HI All,


Loving this plugin, it works, but it always starts back to the top and scrolls to the new position. What am I doing wrong? I tried using TweenMax.set, but that doesn't do anything. Here's my code.


In general, I have a dynamically created list with links. The links have top coordinates for the article on the page. The click script reads that position attribute in the anchor tag and scrolls to the new position. It's just that window will always start at zero position.

       _this = $(this);
       _position = parseInt(_this.attr("position")); //gets position attribute from clicked anchor tag
       _curPosition = $(window).scrollTop();  //get windows current position
           scrollTop: _curPosition
       TweenMax.to(window, 2, {
           scrollTo: {y: _position},
           ease: Power3.easeInOut
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I'd echo Carl's request for a codepen, but I'll throw out a hunch...


"window" doesn't have a scrollTop like divs do, but you're trying to set() it that way. It's kinda weird how browsers do this, I know. So instead of setting window.scrollTop, use the ScrollToPlugin so that it handles all the browser quirkiness for you:

     scrollTop: _curPosition

     scrollTo: _curPosition

Does that help at all? 

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  • 1 year later...

Ah yes, if your link has href="#", that tells the browser to go to the top of the current window, so that'd certainly explain why things appear to "reset" to the top. Expected behavior. As wia points out, the solution is to remove that # and just use an onclick to trigger your JS logic. 

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