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Parallax Mouse Posistion Based on div Offset?

Spiderian test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I was playing with paralax scrolling and found an old forum post about it following the mouse. The movement works well but I want to replace the pageX with the posistion of the div#viewPort offset. I tried a few things to get it and return it as a var but I couldn't get the doParallax function to read it. Any help is greatly appreciated.

See the Pen ktAaF by Spiderian (@Spiderian) on CodePen

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Hi Ian,


There are a few issues in your code.


First jQuery's position() method, returns an object, so when you want to use the value of that object you have to reference whether you want to use the top or left position value. Pretty much like this:

var position = $("#elementId").position();

//returns Object{"top":value, "left":value};

//To use either you have to specify which value

console.log(position.top);//returns top position value

console.log(position.left);//returns left position value

Second, in the mouse event you're referencing the following:

  var bMouse = event.relX / 1.25;

This value returns as undefined, basically because your code is trying to access a property of the mouse event that doesn't exist. In order to solve this create a variable in the mouse event handler, that calls to the relX function and also fix the relX function in order to return a value of the position object, like this:

var relX = function (){
  var p = $('#viewPort');
  var position = p.position().left;
  return (position);

//then  the mouse event
  var mousePosition = relX(),//this will set the variable value to the left of the viewPort element
       bMouse = mousePosition / 1.25,
       mMouse = mousePosition / 1,
       fMouse = event.relX / 0.5;

  			TweenLite.to(backLayer, 1, { css:{left:'-' + bMouse + 'px'}, overwrite:true } );

  			TweenLite.to(middleLayer, 1, { css:{left:'-' + mMouse + 'px'}, overwrite:true } );
  			TweenLite.to(frontLayer, 1, { css:{left:'-' + fMouse + 'px'}, overwrite:true } );
  			$('#train').css({'left':event.clientX - 200});

Give that a try and let us know how it goes.



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