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How can I run image frames without animations?

Michael Heuberger test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I am trying to run a short movie of background images without any animations between these. The code below does not work. Any ideas why?


var frameHeight = 585
var timeline = new TimelineMax({useFrames: true}),
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
'#spark h1 a',
backgroundPosition: 'center -' + (frameHeight * i) + 'px',
useFrames: true,
frame: i
this.addScene(new ScrollScene({
triggerHook: .5,
triggerElement: this.getID(),
duration: 400
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Hi Michael,


Mhh is hard to tell, I've never use frames unless is totally necessary (haven't met a scenario that made it necessary yet :P).


What you could do is use some set instances and add those to the timeline in an absolute position using the i value in the loop, something like this:

var timeline = new TimelineMax({useFrames: true});
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
  .set('#spark h1 a', {backgroundPosition: 'center -' + (frameHeight * i) + 'px'}, i);

Like that the first image will be added to the frame 0 of the timeline, the second image to frame 1 and so on.


It would be very helpful if you could set up a simple codepen in order to get a better look at what could be the issue.



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That will depend of between what. If you want separation between each frame, all you have to do is multiply the instance's position in the timeline by a fix amount. For example if you multiply by 2, the first image will be at 0 frames, the next at 2 frames, then 4, 6, 8, etc., if you multiply by 3 it will be 0-3-6-9, etc.

var timeline = new TimelineMax({useFrames: true}),
    delay = 3;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
  .set('#spark h1 a', {backgroundPosition: 'center -' + (frameHeight * i) + 'px'}, i*delay);

If you want to add some delay between repeats of the timeline, simply add the repeatDelay property in the timeline's configuration object. You'll also need to add a number of replays as well:

//in this case the repeat delay is considering frames, not seconds
var timeline = new TimelineMax({useFrames: true, repeat:3, repeatDelay:10});
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
  .set('#spark h1 a', {backgroundPosition: 'center -' + (frameHeight * i) + 'px'}, i);


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Rodrigo's advice to put a bunch of set's in a timeline is certainly powerful and flexible.


If you have a single strip of images (not a grid), a tween with SteppedEase can do the trick:



And although the demo doesn't show it, you could of course add that tween to Timeline or make it TweenMax tween to accommodate repeat and repeatDelay.


SteppedEase Docs

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