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Found 3 results

  1. I hope this is a fairly simply question I'm moving an item like this gsap.fromTo("#graphMaskHandle", 60, {x:-155}, {x:0}); It seems to start moving more quickly then slow down as it goes on. Is there some kind of easing on as default for gsap? If so, how do I turn it off and get linear motion? If not, any ideas what's going on? (I'm forbidden from sharing my code on CodePen, unfortunately) I'm using it to reveal a graph over a 60 second period, so the graph needs to be revealed to match up with "seconds" on the x axis. I'm a newbie to green sock; I'm finding it brilliantly useful, but, on top of my poor maths, I'm having a bad day with this. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Dear all, how accurate is TimeLineLite? People advise to stick with setTimeOut() for accurate timing of visual elements on screen (http://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-016-0783-4, the actual pdf) and not to use external packages (which presumably would add bulk/unknown-inaccuracies). I see that you can measure timing in TimeLineLite in terms of ticks. This seems the ultimate way of controlling for timing. But are onscreen happenings guaranteed to stick to ticks? I've been using Greensock for years and would be so happy to use it again cheers, Andy. Edit: v relevant prev post here. Advises following setting to avoid inaccuracies: TweenLite.lagSmoothing(0)
  3. Hi All, I'm creating a game and I'm having some issues with timing accuracy of TweenMax. Basically, I have a vehicle moving between two points using the following code: vehicleTweener = new TweenMax(vehicleMovieClip, moveData['journeyTime'], {x:goTo['x'], y:goTo['y'], ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:checkForArrival}); moveData['journeyTime'] is in seconds, and I've turned off easing. The vehicle moves and arrives where it should, so no issues there. However, I'm having some issues with the accuracy of the tween. It seems to be moving a little too fast as it will usually arrive about half a second before it should. Whilst that doesn't sound like a big deal, as the vehicle moves from point to point this inaccuracy starts to add up. Just wondering if there's a simple fix to this? I know timers are a tricky topic, but I was kinda hoping I could get away without having to come back to the server too often to check/validate vehicle position. Thanks in advance...
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