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  1. This is not a question. I couldn't find any examples doing exactly what I wanted, so I thought I'd share my demo solution with the GSAP forum for future SVG hackers. ? This demonstrates a method for animating an SVG <path> by animating an object of JS variables which then get set as the d attribute as a string of coordinates using GSAP's onUpdate callback. Animating JS variables. Animating SVG <path> points and beziers. Interactive path points with range input controls. Selectable animations with checkbox controls. Function for creating child timelines and and calling a master timeline dynamically. All feedback welcome, I never stop learning! Hope this helps somebody. ?
  2. i think i have to do something similar like this(Looped "scrolling" section) or this this(the red panel animation) to achieve the background effect. i dont know how to implement though can you guys help? check out this video i am talking about this
  3. Hey everyone! So, this is my first time posting in the GSAP forums, as well as my first time posting in any coding forum at all, so I apologise if this is the wrong place for this kind of question. I am also veeeery new to GSAP. So basically, I'm trying the get a blob SVG to change shape every time the user clicks a button. The animation mostly works, however there seem to be a couple points that won't adhere to the animation rules I set, and change their position immediately instead of waiting to move with the rest of it. I am using arrays containing the new SVG path coordinates to pass values into the animation cycle, and perhaps my code is a very roundabout way of creating what I want, but for the most part that doesn't seem to be the issue. I have tried using a .fromTo() in case it was a problem with the initial point positions, and I have tried creating new SVGs making sure that I keep the same points to create the shapes, neither of which worked. If anyone can let me know what the issue is I would really appreciate the help! html: <button onclick="bubbleSVG()"> Blob </button> <svg width="50%" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 1920 900"> <defs> <style> .cls-1{fill:url(#lg1);}.cls-2{fill:url(#lg2);}.cls-3{fill:url(#lg3);}.cls-4{fill:url(#lg4);} </style> <linearGradient id="lg1" x1="1728.025" y1="658.409" x2="1364.199" y2="294.583" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop offset="0" id="color1" stop-color="#55cdff"/> <stop offset="1" id="color2" stop-color="#6aff6f"/> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id="lg2" x1="1304.47" y1="310.036" x2="1197.59" y2="203.155" xlink:href="#lg1"/> <linearGradient id="lg3" x1="1652.485" y1="179.608" x2="1520.717" y2="47.839" xlink:href="#lg1"/> <linearGradient id="lg4" x1="1381.572" y1="117.848" x2="1339.908" y2="76.184" xlink:href="#lg1"/> </defs> <g id="Bubbles1"> <path id="b1" class="cls-1" d="M1259,418c52.4-92.8,234-260,422-250,165.841,8.821,168,384,13,524-148.573,134.2-347,79-415-3S1211,503,1259,418Z"/> <path id="b2" class="cls-2" d="M1165,309c21.061,54.758,84,32,124,9s78-72,61-103-49-50-88-50S1140,244,1165,309Z"/> <path id="b3" class="cls-3" d="M1583,49c100.579-15.646,155-1,145,51-5.1,26.532-59,13-126,33-70.6,21.076-91,57-145,32S1493,63,1583,49Z"/> <path id="b4" class="cls-4" d="M1353,73c-35.308,7.305-29,38-5,46s39-1,43-15S1382,67,1353,73Z"/> </g> </svg> javascript: var BlobColor1 = ["#f28500","#030087","#0079ce","#ce49ff"]; var BlobColor2 = ["#ffb300","#001eb3","#00d9f9","#f971ff"]; var Blob1 = ["M1259,418c52.4-92.8,234-260,422-250,165.841,8.821,168,384,13,524-148.573,134.2-347,79-415-3S1211,503,1259,418Z","M1309,230c52.4-92.8,246.729-119.071,363,29,117,149,199.915,385.763-7,460-131,47-138.669-35.119-192-220C1428,343,1261,315,1309,230Z","M1305,216c115.142-183.181,489-137,348,89-100.279,160.73,241.217,149.425,82,301-125,119-347,146-455,29C1169.874,515.7,1195,391,1305,216Z","M1180,389c27.432-214.617,89.781-84.552,345-218,306-160,398,335,282,547-82.843,151.4-303-9-411-126C1285.874,472.7,1163,522,1180,389Z"]; var Blob2 = ["M1165,309c21.061,54.758,84,32,124,9s78-72,61-103-49-50-88-50S1140,244,1165,309Z","M1309,581c21.061,54.758,88,64,128,41s-9-94-26-125-49-50-88-50S1284,516,1309,581Z","M1561,794c21.061,54.758,149,18,240-34,104.838-59.908,58.919-85.024,25-95-51-15-87.395.807-165,36C1575,740,1536,729,1561,794Z","M1755,164c34,23,73.208,32.127,100-12,17-28-11.162-57.01-34-84-22-26-67.2-39.09-90,0C1703,116,1731.986,148.432,1755,164Z"]; var Blob3 = ["M1583,49c100.579-15.646,155-1,145,51-5.1,26.532-59,13-126,33-70.6,21.076-91,57-145,32S1493,63,1583,49Z","M1767,163c81,69,127.446,142.778,45,149-53,4-46-21-97-82-26.694-31.928-118.783-64.3-109-123C1615,53,1697.664,103.936,1767,163Z","M1814,286c13,58,46.62,92.25,27,116-19,23-65,66-116,5-26.694-31.928-38.441-62.305-15-117C1737,227,1805.241,246.92,1814,286Z","M1495,97c-5.635,59.171-68.738,39.864-130,95-50,45-111,44-120-6-9.771-54.282,87.559-15.305,111-70C1383,53,1501,34,1495,97Z"]; var Blob4 = ["M1353,73c-35.308,7.305-29,38-5,46s39-1,43-15S1382,67,1353,73Z","M1249,346c-35.308,7.305-33.51,53.684-12,67,21,13,72,2,76-12S1278,340,1249,346Z","M1239,95c-35.308,7.305-15.51,71.684,6,85,21,13,80-7,84-39C1333.246,107.03,1268,89,1239,95Z","M1252,571c-35.308,7.3-15.51,71.684,6,85,21,13,80-7,84-39C1346.246,583.03,1281,565,1252,571Z"]; var counter = 1; function bubbleSVG() { console.log(counter); TweenMax.to("#color1", 1, { stopColor: BlobColor1[counter], ease: Expo.easeOut, }) TweenMax.to("#color2", 1, { stopColor: BlobColor2[counter], ease: Expo.easeOut, }) TweenMax.to("#b1", 1, { attr: {d: Blob1[counter]}, ease: Elastic.easeInOut, }) TweenMax.to("#b2", 1, { attr: {d: Blob2[counter]}, ease: Elastic.easeInOut, }) TweenMax.to("#b3", 1, { attr: {d: Blob3[counter]}, ease: Elastic.easeInOut, }) TweenMax.to("#b4", 1, { attr: {d: Blob4[counter]}, ease: Elastic.easeInOut, }) counter += 1; if (counter > 3) { counter = 0; } };
  4. Hi, I have researched and tried various things but can't work out if there is a way to translate svg elements from 'absolute' coordinates? i.e. translate a bunch of svg elements all starting from the center, and finishing at their actual position So in the codepen, I would like to tween all the chickens from the black box to their actual positions ( on the black lines ) Currently, I put in the x,y value of the black box to tween from, but the chickens use this as a relative x,y I could work out the correct relative x,y value to tween from, but in the real project there are many elements that may change slightly Am I missing something obvious? Thanks
  5. Hello guys, I'm totally new to JS. Trying to learn and improve. I'm trying to build a minimap and move an object that represents player movements on the map. You'll see 2 things in the code. One is a straight line the other one is a map. I was only able to find animated movements. So When the user wants to move the object on the straight line with the mouse, also this movement has to be reflected for the object on the map too. I just want to be able to move that point with the mouse. How can i do it? Best Regards
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