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  1. Dear All, First let me thank you for any help you can provide and let me explain what the situation is like: I have a number of elements/symbols/bitmaps that I set up on my flash stage (there can be as many as 30 elements) I place the first 5 on stage one under another and the rest outside the stage, on top, so I create the rolling effect. I have an array that I save all the element names in so I know which element is next etc. Currently I construct the spin using Timelinemax and I spin it User sees the first 5 elements and then it spins until the last 5 elements which I bounce a bit on finish ( I will provide the AS3 code after) Here is when I need YOUR help. The user will be able to press a STOP button. Meaning I would like to shorten the animation in this way: Let's say the number of elements is 30. And the user presses STOP when the animation is showing elements 10-15. I want AS3 to insert at elements 16-20 my ORIGINAL last 5 elements (so basically elements 26-30). So the animation remains smooth and it stops at the same elements as it would stop if the user has not pressed STOP Basically I would like to shorten the animation strip and replace the last 5 elements to match my original 5 elements. I do not want to jump to the end of the 30 element animation because then the elements on stage (10-15) will change to elements #20-25 and the user will see this. In a more visual way, to understand better: My original strip is 1,2,3,4,5,...,26,27,28,29,30 Strip starts animating User presses STOP when on stage you see elements 10,11,12,13,14,15 Animation now how to reconstruct the strip like this: 1,2,3,4,...,15,26,27,28,29,30 So after element 15, it will be element 26 and animation will get ready to stop I hope I made the problem clear, it has been bugging me a lot lately to find a solution and I hope someone can help me from this forum. If you need more information please let me know Thank you again.
  2. Dear All, Let me say that this is post I posted on the AS3/Flash forum but I guess the same principles apply here as well. I will just 'convert' the answer/logic to AS3 code if possible. First let me thank you for any help you can provide and let me explain what the situation is like: I have a number of elements/symbols/bitmaps that I set up on my flash stage (there can be as many as 30 elements) I place the first 5 on stage one under another and the rest outside the stage, on top, so I create the rolling effect. I have an array that I save all the element names in so I know which element is next etc. Currently I construct the spin using Timelinemax and I spin it User sees the first 5 elements and then it spins until the last 5 elements which I bounce a bit on finish ( I will provide the AS3 code after) Quote Here is when I need YOUR help. The user will be able to press a STOP button. Meaning I would like to shorten the animation in this way: Let's say the number of elements is 30. And the user presses STOP when the animation is showing elements 10-15. I want AS3 to insert at elements 16-20 my ORIGINAL last 5 elements (so basically elements 26-30). So the animation remains smooth and it stops at the same elements as it would stop if the user has not pressed STOP Basically I would like to shorten the animation strip and replace the last 5 elements to match my original 5 elements. I do not want to jump to the end of the 30 element animation because then the elements on stage (10-15) will change to elements #20-25 and the user will see this. In a more visual way, to understand better: My original strip is 1,2,3,4,5,...,26,27,28,29,30 Strip starts animating User presses STOP when on stage you see elements 10,11,12,13,14,15 Animation now how to reconstruct the strip like this: 1,2,3,4,...,15,26,27,28,29,30 So after element 15, it will be element 26 and animation will get ready to stop I hope I made the problem clear, it has been bugging me a lot lately to find a solution and I hope someone can help me from this forum. If you need more information please let me know Thank you again.
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