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Found 3 results

  1. I try to include RaphaelPlugin from npm and build it with webpack. On the development everything works well, the plugin is included and all good. On production build though the RaphaelPlugin is missing from the build. I tried multiple ways to include the file, but still something is wrong in production. Any ideas? import 'gsap/TweenLite'; import 'gsap/TweenMax'; import 'gsap/TimelineMax'; import * as RaphaelPlugin from 'gsap/umd/RaphaelPlugin';
  2. I've been moving toward using Snap.svg over Raphael (both from Dmitry Baranovskiy) where Snap.svg is merely a fork of Raphael and dropping support for VML (old IE support). Now I'm wanting to insert some GreenSock magic dust to my SVG elements and I figured I'd just include the RaphaelPlugin and run a quick test. That played out well and seems to still work fine, but upon further fiddling I'm wondering if it's possible that there's actually more changes going from Raphael to Snap that is restricting me from doing more. For instance I can do a basic tween (that I believe I even pulled out of the RaphaelPlugin API docs) that works great. var rect = paper.rect(50, 250, 200, 100); rect.attr('fill', '#f00'); TweenLite.to(rect, 3, { raphael: { fill: '#00f', x: 100, y: 200, width: 100, height: 50 }, ease: Bounce.easeOut }); But when I try to do something a little more fancy like animating an SVG text node element, I get some errors coming out of the _getTransform method in the plugin. I'll let this jsfiddle do the rest of the explaining. Just comment/uncomment some lines to see expected/unexpected behavior, etc. My main question is whether or not the RaphaelPlugin should work with Snap just as well. If that's the case, is there any plans to port the RaphaelPlugin to work with Snap? (I believe it's gaining quite a bit of popularity) And actually now that I think about it, maybe I should even test a text node with Raphael to see if it's something that's just not in the plugin for Raphael either. I took a glance at the source of the RaphaelPlugin and noticed that there's a few places where the string "raphael_" is prepended, maybe we just need to know what that would be in Snap and voila? (Highly doubtful, it's never that easy ) All that said, I'm really hoping I'm simply not targeting something properly and I just need to make some minor adjustments to the fiddle.
  3. Hey all, I am trying to animate a piechart created with gRaphael, but it returns the error c.charAt is not a function. Here's my code: pie.forEach( function(element) { TweenLite.to(element, 2, {raphael:{stroke: "#000", "stroke-width": 80, "stroke-opacity": 0.5, fill: "#223fa3"}, ease:Power0.easeOut}); }); It's pretty straightforward, but I admit my experience with RaphaelJS in general is very limited. Any ideas? marcus
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