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  1. I have a master timeline, which consists of two child timelines. The problem I am facing is that both the timelines are firing exactly at the start, rather than going sequentially. I tried specifying the position of the second timeline using ">", but it just does not work. The second timeline still fires at the start of the entire master timeline. function Home(){ const tl = new TimelineMax({ onComplete: afterHomeTimeline, scrollTrigger:{ trigger: ".home__card--1", start: "top " + $(".home__card--1").offset().top, end: "top -2000", markers: false, scrub: 1, } }); // Below are tweens added to the Home timeline tl.to(".home__card--1", {y: -($(".home__card--1").offset().top - home__header_height - $(".home__card--1").offset().left)}, "0") tl.to(".home__card--2", {y: -($(".home__card--1").offset().top - home__header_height - $(".home__card--1").offset().left)}, "1") tl.to(".home__card--content-1", {"width": $(".home__card--content-1").width() - (($(".home__card--1").offset().left + $(".home__card--1").outerWidth()) - $(".home__card--2").offset().left)}, "1") tl.to(".home__card--3", {y: -($(".home__card--1").offset().top - home__header_height - $(".home__card--1").offset().left)}, "2") tl.to(".home__card--content-2", {"width": $(".home__card--content-2").width() - (($(".home__card--2").offset().left + $(".home__card--2").outerWidth()) - $(".home__card--3").offset().left)}, "2") tl.to(".home__scroll", {opacity: 0}, "3") tl.to(".home__header", {rotate: -90}, "3") tl.to(".home__content", {rotate: 90}, "3") var cardWidth = $(".home__card--1").width() - (($(".home__card--1").offset().left + $(".home__card--1").outerWidth()) - $(".home__card--2").offset().left - $(".home__card--1").offset().left) tl.to(".home__card--1", {width: cardWidth}, "4") tl.to(".home__card--2", {width: cardWidth}, "4") tl.to(".home__card--3", {width: cardWidth}, "4") tl.to(".home__card--1", {y: -$(".home__card--1").position().top - $(".home__card--1").position().top - $(".home__card--2").width(), rotate: -40}, "5") tl.to(".home__card--2", {y: -$(".home__card--2").position().top - $(".home__card--1").position().top - $(".home__card--2").width()}, "5") tl.to(".home__card--3", {y: -$(".home__card--3").position().top - $(".home__card--1").position().top - $(".home__card--2").width(), rotate: 40}, "5") tl.fromTo(".scroll__1", {opacity: 0, color: "#ffffff"}, {opacity: 1, color:"#993F3F", duration: 8}, "6"); return tl; }; function Portfolio(){ const tl = new TimelineMax({ onStart: console.log("Oh cmon it started again") }); tl.to(".scroll__2", {opacity: 1, duration: 8}, ">"); return tl; }; const master = new TimelineMax(); master.add(Home(), 1).add(Portfolio()); console.log(master.getChildren(false,false,true))
  2. Hi, I'm trying to scale (zoom in) on a point based on a hover event handler. The way this is supposed to work: on the baseImage, which is an installation with a bunch of products, we have info icons displayed wherever a relevant product is used. If a user hovers over one of these icons, the baseImage zooms in on that point (info icon). I got it to zoom, but not to the point where I want it to. Is this even possible? I can't help but feel that this isn't as complicated as it's turning out to be. I've hit a wall and any help would be greatly appreciated. See the attached image to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
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