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  1. Hello lovely forum! So, I use greensock every day, and my token is not expired. But somehow, I can't install anything today. Any idea? Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone ?, I am new to GSAP and I have a question in using the club member plugins after the membership is over. I am a freelancer and create websites for clients (already using the free plugins). I think about becoming a member with the ShockinglyGreen Plan to get acccess to all the bonus plugins. I have already read many answers in the forum but I am not 100% sure. I know that a member with the ShockinglyGreen Plan is allowed to create websites for his clients and the plugins on these websites will still work after his membership is over. He is not allowed to create for example templates with the plugins and selling them. So my question is: If my membership with the ShockinglyGreen plan will be over after one year, am I still allowed to use these bonus plugins for creating new websites for clients without beeing a member? I know that I won't get updates and so on, but am I still allowed to use the plugins I got during my membership? I want also to add that I really love GSAP and the work behind the multiple plugins. Your work is really great and I really appreciate that :). Thanks in advance for your answer?.
  3. I have an issue, my company has the Club membership and I'm trying to install the bonus plugins it via NPM (they used to install it via .zip files but I don't want to do that) So I followed the instructions I added my token to the .npmrc file Then I used npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/member After that I used npm install gsap But I still can't used the bonus plugins I uninstall and installed multiple times Am I missing something? I already check with my company and confirm we still have the membership active
  4. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. Club GreenSock members get a fresh batch of superpowers with updates to SplitText and ScrambleText, plus two brand new customizable eases in this 1st-Quarter 2017 update! It's our way of saying "thanks" to those who support our ongoing efforts. Let's dig right into the upgrades... SplitText SplitText now supports nested tags like <span>, <strong>, <em>, <p>, etc. This means you can split text with various styling and even links. To make things even cooler, SplitText now supports emoji characters ! SplitText demo See the Pen BzmGba by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. "Simply Green" gets ScrambleText We moved ScrambleText into "Simply Green" membership level to deliver even more value. NEW: CustomWiggle and CustomBounce Add wiggle and bounce effects to your GSAP animations with these brand new, highly customizable eases. Even get squash and stretch! CustomWiggle and CustomBounce are now included for anyone with a "Shocking Green" or "Business Green" membership. To learn more visit greensock.com/wiggle-bounce. Thanks We're incredibly grateful to each and every Club GreenSock member, as we simply couldn't do what we do without your ongoing support. It's a privilege to have such a top-notch community around GSAP. Please feel free to plug in even more by participating in the forums to help others or to get your questions answered. It's a fantastic place to learn and be inspired. Enjoy the fresh updates, and happy tweening! [loginwidget]
  5. Yes, as long as the source files are unaltered (including copyright notices therein). Your customer may use GreenSock tools (including bonus plugins/classes you got with your membership) only as a part of your Work Product. However, if your customer wants to use the GreenSock tools outside of your Work Product (or make customizations to your Work Product) to resell to their customers, they would need to get their own "Business Green" Club GreenSock membership to cover their usage. If your Work Product is given away freely and you're not distributing members-only plugins, you're golden...er, green...er, fine.
  6. miks

    Club Greensock

    I was going to purchase the Business Green plan. Does it mean that it will only have single developer but can I use it onto multiple site?
  7. Hi @GreenSock I think about something, but without affecting to your bussiness model, can i do that? I explain this below: Let's say, i creating web-sites, mobile apps, own personal websites with one-off sold, as i know one-off sold doesn't require GSAP license. If i'm create plug-ins (GitHub repo, No-License, without license no-one allowed to use app) for GSAP for myself like morphSVG, drawSVG (i sure your plug-ins great, but my budget not good to be member of Club, thanks to GSAP anyway), i not required to buy license? I can use GSAP for free, usually i'm use TweenMax, TimelineMax. Thanks for reply.
  8. Hi. I'm in last time seen some amazing wave SVG with some sine named function, i am interested. But i haven't Club access. https://bannerwave.com/ In header as you see this too made with GSAP, so i interested and will be thankful if someone create simple, cleaner codepen demo (please without GSAP premium plug-ins). Second some wave sine amazing demo in GSAP morphSVG demo plug-in but not sure how to you're did it and how to use. Thanks.
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