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  1. Hi! I am really loving Green Sock! I have an animation working, but I am wondering if there is a way to animate all elements at the same time in the same timeline, if that makes sense? See my codepen (you may want to view on codepen or resize the codepen window to see it clearly). My goal with this is to have each box fade in and transform/translate/scale all towards the center of the section and then to fade out at the same time. But, I am trying to get them to do this all at once and to come from different directions. I tried chaining .from().from()'s, but this just plays one and then starts another. I tried something like: tl .from(".icons-animated #HumanStars", {translateX: -200, translateY: -200, scale: 0.3, rotation: 90, autoAlpha: 0, ease: "power2"}, ".icons-animated #HumanStars strong", {translateX: -200, translateY: -200, scale: 0.3, rotation: 90, autoAlpha: 0, ease: "power2"}); but this doesn't seem to achieve my goal. Is there a way to animate .from() and chain the animations inside that from? Which methods should I be reading about/what is the syntax for this if it exists? Or am I not approaching this the right way? Thank you so much.
  2. Hi all, My issue here is a bit two-fold. I've been making steady progress on this project, but I've hit another wall. The first issue is that since I've added my Timeline for the second animation, the animation opens immediately on browser load. The second issue is that my Timeline doesn't seem to be running the .fromTo() I've defined for it. So what I'm attempting here is to define the first animation, define the second animation, toggle the first with click, toggle the second with timeline onComplete of the first animation, and then to be able to reverse the whole sequence on click again. I've made a mess of my code I think and I'm having a hard time piecing it all together. I feel slightly bad about having so many questions/requests for assistance. If I'm asking an inappropriate amount or types of questions please feel free to let me know, I wouldn't want to violate any forum rules. Whatever you can help me with I will greatly appreciate and I thank you in advance.
  3. Hopefully I can explain this without writing up a Codepen since Backbone takes a minute to get going, if this is unclear Ill gladly set it up tho. I want to chain a timeline animation into another function, WITHOUT referencing my view in the "onComplete" of the timeline. My idea is to do this with the new Promise object in JS, but I have no idea how to do this. Here is what I got so far // some random BB function var ping = function(){ console.log('promise finished') }; // define our timeline var t = new TimelineLite({ paused: true, onComplete: function(){ // what do I return here to be able to chain a promise } }); // run the chain t.play().then(function(res){ ping() }); Obviously this doesn't work since .play() doesn't return anything, but I'm hoping there is a way to combo a .then() from the onComplete param of the timeline. Thanks in advance and happy to be posting on the forum for the first time. p.s. I know I can technically pass the view itself into the timeline and trigger a function from onComplete or an event, but I'm (1) trying to keep BB and GS decoupled, and (2) curious if my question has an answer regardless if it's the better solution.
  4. I have a simple demo at the linked Codepen where I would like to create 50 bubbles at random locations on the screen and animate the size and opacity. So far, no problem. I would like to add another animation after the initial animation but cannot get it to work correctly because of the random nature of my repeat & delay times. The problem code is marked as such. Any suggestions. http://codepen.io/hackfin/pen/vLZJzQ
  5. i was trying to figure out, if possible, how to chain an instance of multiple tweens. For example: var tween1 = TweenMax.to('#image1', 3, {css:{scale:1.5}, ease:Linear.easeNone}); var tween2 = TweenMax.to('#slide1', 3, {css:{opacity:1}, ease:Linear.easeNone}); The above works.. but couldn't i just chain them, like below? var tween1 = TweenMax.to('#image1', 3, {css:{scale:1.5}, ease:Linear.easeNone}) .to('#slide1', 3, {css:{opacity:1}, ease:Linear.easeNone}); But when i try this, the browser throws an error: TypeError: TweenMax.to(...).to is not a function The reason i'm asking is because if i have to pause the animation i have to basically use the below: $('#slider').on("mouseenter",function(){ tween1.pause(); tween2.pause(); }).on("mouseleave",function(){ tween1.resume(); tween2.resume(); }); I have to declare pause and resume twice. If i had multiple tweens in one instance, i could declare pause() and resume() only once. How do i create an instance (reference variable) for multiple tweens? Thanks ahead of time for any help!
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