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  1. I've installed and imported GSAP and @types/gsap, and my file.ts import it well, but when i run gulp with the Typescript Gulp Configuration i get this error: Error: Cannot find module 'babelify' from 'D:path-to-directory\node_modules\gsap'. I've installed all babel components until i get one last error that tells me "cannot find the function canCompile".
  2. Hi there, I have two javascript-files in my included in my html page, each calling this in it's beginning: import TweenLite from 'gsap'; Later, when I try to call the TweenLite.to function, I get this error in the second file that I include in my html: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'to' of undefined at bodyScroll (app.js:692) at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (app.js:640) at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery.js:5201) at HTMLDocument.elemData.handle (jquery.js:5009) Any ideas? EDIT: It seems like TweenLite pollutes the global namespace. Shouldn't this never be the case with browserify?
  3. I'm working on a project where we use TS and would like to add the CustomEase lib. We have added the GSAP through NPM and since CustomEase isn't part of it for some reason I have hard time to find a way to get it working. The error i recive is: !!! ERROR: browserify: Cannot find module '../TweenLite.js' from '/Users/myuser/Projects/myproject/src/ts'
  4. Hi, I'm currently bundling up my client up using requires and browserify. I installed gsap using npm install, and it seems to only expose TweenMax. I managed to bundle Draggable using './node_modules/gsap/src/uncompressed/utils/Draggable.js', but hte resulting require('./node_modules/gsap/src/uncompressed/utils/Draggable.js') looks pretty ugly. Furthermore it sees that TimeLineLite is not exposed either, even though it's contained. How can I access the various components using the npm module? Thanks, Sven
  5. Hello Jack/Carl, First off thank you so much for this awesome animation framework! Have been using it for a long time now and it keeps amazing me. I just wanted to let you know I ran into a small (really small) issue when using the GSAP in combination with Browserify. I have a project set up using gulp & browserify to compile my code together. Now I added the GSAP elements I wish to use to the 'browser' field of my package.json: "browser": { "gsap-tween-lite": "./node_modules/gsap/src/minified/TweenLite.min.js", "gsap-css-plugin": "./node_modules/gsap/src/minified/plugins/CSSPlugin.min.js" } So now I can just write require('gsap-tween-lite'); to load TweenLite However when loading the CSSPlugin it runs into a problem because in the code of the (minified) CSSPlugin it says this: require('../TweenLite.js') instead of what is should be: require('../TweenLite.min.js') So Browserify fails to find the file and the compilation fails. Obviously a very easy fix but I figured I'd just give you a heads up (: Thanks again and keep up the good work! Cheers!
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