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  1. Hello, Coming back to GSAP after some months in 'another universe'. Could it be possible to animate a body background image without disturbing the other elements in this body ? The intended animation is a mosaic effect. Thanks for an answer and if this is something we can do thanks for a starting point.
  2. Hey guys, I was wondering, is it possible to tween the body background image? I know you can on other divs (or I guess more precisely you tween the whole dom element) but with the body everything seems to tween BUT the background image. I've tried both opacity and autoAlpha, and any dom elements within the body tween fine, but the background image is visible on load. Any way to do this? If not, no biggy. I just wanted to keep my code cleaner and avoid having a fullscreen img tag hanging around in my HTML.
  3. If I load the timeline code in the <head> and put play() in the <body>. The code "runs" but doesn't "display" animation on screen. By "display" I mean: no animation happens on the browser screen. By "runs" I mean: if I put a breakpoint on the .play() line in the <body>, I can step into the TweenMax code in the <head> and watch variable like "e", and "this._duration" assume the correct values as I step deeper into the code. I'm used to splitting things this way on the jQuery animate code I've been writing and must do so for compatibility. So why can't timelines be defined in the <head>? I'm assuming there must be a little "trick" I'm missing to make it work. Please see <body> only and split code below (and attached). With all code in the <body> this works no problem: <html> <head> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="title">This is growing title</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var timeline = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); timeline.to("#title", 2, {color:"#F0F", fontSize:"48px"}); timeline.play(); console.log("yes it ran"); </script> </body> </html> With the timeline in the <head> and play() in the <body> this doesn't do anything on screen but the console.log()string shows in the console, you can step into the timeline code and there is no error break: <html> <head> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var timeline = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); timeline.to("#title", 2, {color:"#0FF", fontSize:"48px"}); </script> </head> <body> <div id="title">This is growing title</div> <script type="text/javascript"> timeline.play(); console.log("yes it ran"); </script> </body> </html> [sorry I attached both twice, only download the first two!] simplest_timeline.html simplest_timeline_head.html simplest_timeline.html simplest_timeline_head.html
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