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  1. Hi everyone, I was wondering if there was a quick way to do this without messing with paths and such. Based on the image below, I'm using TimelineMax to animate the "trending" lines to move individually left to right (eg; x:"-=140px") but along an angle of 17deg. I'm not adept at using Codepen but here's a sample of my code to move one line: TweenMax.set(trendingL, {rotation:'343deg'}); var tl01 = new TimelineMax({delay:2}); tl01.from(trendingL, 1, {x:"-=140px", ease:Back.easeOut}); Of course, this just moves it from left to right along at 0 deg. Eventually, some of the lines will move separately to reveal other type. Suggestions?
  2. Hi! Can you give me guides on how to make frames to chance diagonally. It's about a banner animation, and I need the frame to angle swipe (with 1px line) from top left to bottom right, clearing copy from previous frame. The next frame should appear under! Thanks in advance!
  3. Hello, I've an animation of 52 elements over a curve (a circle) using bezier. Elements come from a certain point and join the circle, 26 in one half of the circle, 26 in the other. autoRotate is set to true. Elements are rectangular. All 52 are clickable. After clicking any of the 52 they are moved to a different location. Problem is they preserve the angle of rotation they got following the curve. Question is how get the current angle of rotation in order to do the math and rotate to recover the initial angle (before going into the circle). Found here in the forums a solution but is not working: TweenMax.to(document.getElementById(identifier),0.5,{css:{top:"10px", left:"10px"}, ease:Power2.easeOut}); var transform = $("#card32")._gsTransform; var x = transform.x; var rotation = transform.rotationX; console.log(rotation); All I get is : Cannot read property 'x' of undefined Your help will be appreciated.
  4. Hello, I would be interested to know if there is a way to dynamically know the rotation that is applied with Physics2D accelerationAngle, or angle in order to rotate the object and seem like its pointing along the animation path. e.x if we have a rocket and we want it to be pointed towards the end of the animation point each each (second/frame) I have set an example here: http://codepen.io/netgfx/pen/nfdBJ What I want to achieve is to be able to rotate the rocket depending on the angle of the animation path. Thanks in advance.
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