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Found 7 results

  1. Hello everybody, I have a simple question. Probably my problem is easy to fix, but I can not figure it out... My question is: How to import an audio file / mp3 file to codepen.io? I've seen many examples and I can't import my own audio file in my codepen file. I've download this audio file in mp3 format. This is the audio that I want to use. How do I convert this YouTube audio into this line of code? --> playFile('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/3/success.mp3') I hope I am clear enough. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi there! I’m facing some sound issues with my app and was wondering if maybe one of you guys had similar issues... I’ve attached a video link (https://www.dropbox.com/s/msth8o10mrwvqdk/sound_bug.mp4?dl=0) where you can see and hear what’s happening. The plopping is totally random and appears mostly when there is a lot of interaction with the interface (opening modals, dragging the wheel > all handled by gsap). If I set this modules do “display:none”, to have a clean interface, the sound issue does not appear. Now you would say: We need some code... The app’s code is currently a big MESS. I cannot reproduce the issue in CodePen and to be honest, I don’t want to share my complete project folder. The app uses a lot of jQuery and the DOM is very stuffed. The ‘wheel’ is an inline SVG asset. I’m currently recoding this project with vue.js to get it A LOT leaner but this will take me a while and I would love to get rid of the sound issue before that... So I’m just taking a shot here. I’m happy for any kind of advice! I’m not sure if it is actually related with gsap, or maybe the sound issue appears because of the sum of nonoptimal code, but maybe there is some little ‘fix’ out there someone of you guys know. The issue appears in every browser. On my local machine and on mobile devices (iOS more frequent than Android though). Even on the ‘brand new’ iPhone X. The app uses cordova. I’ve tried a lot of different JS sound libraries (tone.js, howler.js, ...) currently I’m using pizzicato.js. Always the same issue. Sounds are handled by the WebAudio API. If you want to see the app in action and you are using an iOS device: With the following codes you can download the app for free on the Apple App Store (codes only work once...) TJFXHHXAHP9J KA7EA96TXEEP 4RNKFN6NH39M AWMFYTJE6AYJ 3WL76FLXNRFN FHEWJ7JYLFW9 WM4WN4AHYAFK 67E3AXNMXNRY K9Y37PFEFXWR TJLLWYFP3RWF TWHFKJ9J34YF 3M9XYTRPLA9W JAWLR9EYEFAA P3HXWEW66W7T Y73LPRM939PJ Thanks!
  3. cfx

    Sound playing twice

    Guys, simple codepen example (ignore the graphics I've just dumped stuff down) trying to work out why the sound isn't playing first time on play back but on playing again (or using loop in GSDEV player) its playing twice on the time line? Grateful for a steer here. Buzz
  4. Hi everybody, im new on gsap...playing with threejs, tween and audio visualizer. I have a group with some mesh as child 1 - I would like to animate each element of the mesh with a value created in RAF . 2 - I would like to make endless tween on rotation (unfortunally , "repeat: -1" its not working). Is there another elegant / better solution for do that. Thanks in advance for any help... On RAF i have some function: 1 for render() three scene and one for analyze the sound and pass the value on tween. So this... // The sound analyzer . function soundAnalyzer() { if ((cristal)&&(frequencyData)){ tl_cristal_rotationX = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1 }); analyser.getByteFrequencyData(frequencyData); if(typeof frequencyData === 'object' && frequencyData.length > 0) { scale_value = 9000 - frequencyData[1] * 35 ; scale_value_Low = 1800 - frequencyData[1] * 5 ; cristal.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) { tl_cristal_rotation = new TimelineMax(); tl_cristal_rotation.to(child.rotation, scale_value_Low, { ease: Linear.easeNone, x: -360 , y: -360, repeat:-1 }) } }); tl_cristal_rotationX.to(cristal.rotation, scale_value , { ease: Linear.easeNone, x: -360 }) } } } // and here RAF loop and Render // animation loop function animate() { if(dae) { soundAnalyzer() } requestAnimationFrame( animate ); render(); stats.update(); } TweenLite.ticker.addEventListener("tick", render); //and render the scene function render() { renderer.clear(); camera.position.x += ( mouseX - camera.position.x ) * .015; camera.position.y += ( - mouseY - camera.position.y ) * .015; camera.lookAt(scene.position); composer.reset(); composer.render(scene, camera); composer.pass(OldVideoPass); composer.pass(BrightnessContrastPass); composer.pass(RGBSplitPass); composer.toScreen(); } Thank u very much and sorry for my English.. hope is readable..
  5. Quick question - if it possible to add sound effects to a GSAP timeline?
  6. I am trying to access the SampleDataEvent for a sound that has been loaded by the MP3Loader. I had assumed that this would be as easy as adding an event listener to the content of the loader like so: ( ( _loader as MP3Loader ).content as Sound ).addEventListener( SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, onSampleData ); ... but I am not seeing any events. Help Please
  7. Thank you in advance. Great VideoLoader, love its features. I am having a sound issue though. I have three MCs in my FLA linked to the Main document. I load each video player into a dummy container on a mouse click event and am able to remove the content from the container. However, the sound keeps playing. I tried creating a dummy function with the Main class to pauseVideo but it comes back as undefined. i can trace (myMC.showVideo and return the fact that it is a function function {} so i know i can get into the class.) So, simply how would i stop the sound using multiple loaders within the same project? Thank you.
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