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  1. There is a group in the svg named 'p1-1_abc_1', and set transformOrigin: 'center center'. It works great in Chrome, but the position of 'p1-1_abc_1' jumped in safari when the timeline start. Safari: Version 10.1.1 (12603.2.4) Chrome: Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)
  2. Hi all! I'm having a bit of a weird situation. I'm creating a fake scrollbar with Draggable that moves its target's scrollTop position as the scrollbar moves. I've got this working like a charm, except for one hiccup... IE is returning different values for the scrollbar's transform CSS value than Chrome/Firefox are. For example, Chrome/Firefox are returning something like matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 5), while IE is returning matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1). In order to get my scrollbar contraption to work, I need to listen for/get the Y value of the scrollbar's transform property and respectively set the target div's scrollTop position through a formula using that same Y value. This is proving to be a bit tricky as I need to parse and return different positions for IE (position 13) and Chrome/Firefox (position 5). I suppose my question is this: could someone shed some light onto why IE is returning a matrix3d value while Chrome/Firefox are returning just a regular matrix value for the draggable? Right now I'm using some browser sniffing to get it all to work, but I'd really rather not if I don't have to. Please let me know if setting up a Codepen would help better illustrate this situation. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I just came across this wonderful product and realized this is exactly what I need! I have a huge image that is x times the window size, so I want to scroll to the very bottom of it on button click. I would do so with CSS like this: @keyframes { to { transform: translateY(-100%) translateY(100vh); } } This proved to be a crossbrowser way in CSS instead of: transform: translateY(calc(-100% + 100vh)) .Is there any way to do so with TweenMax? I do understand that I can calculate these values in pixels and specify them explicitly: var value = -$('img').height() + $(window).height(); var tweenDown = TweenMax.to("img", 5, {y: value}); However the advantage of the "stacked" way is that when you resize the window, it keeps the image in the same position. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi all! I'm noticing an issue with GSAP merging in transform properties originally formed in the CSS. I've attached a CodePen to show the issue. In Chrome, you'll see that both Dropdowns align to the center as intended. But in Firefox, IE11, and Edge -- it looks like the transform matrix that is generated is not including the calculated width of the dropdown component when transitioning. We can't use fixed widths (in the example that works) for a certain application, and found it really odd that only Chrome and Safari are handling this alright. Let me know if you need anymore info. Thanks as always!
  5. Hello guys, GSAP newbie here, hope someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. When I define scaleX value in transform attribute of SVG <g> it doesn't seem to be recognised by GSAP. Only when I explicitly set scaleX (line 2 in JS) does the tween work as intended. Translate values seem to be recognised just fine. http://codepen.io/hrvojesimic/pen/XMybJe?editors=1010
  6. Hi there, (newly registered, but long time user) I have a problem with SVG transitions. If I have a SVG object with a CSS transform and try to tween it, the tween will set an (ignored) DOM transform attribute and nothing happens. Using force3D has no effect, as it still only sets the DOM attribute and not the CSS property. Something is clearly wrong here. When is this an issue? When using Draggable, as Draggable sets the CSS property. Once a Draggable has been updating the value, I can no longer tween it - even if I kill the Draggable. Regards, Morten
  7. Dear Greensock Community, my task is simple and clear: I want to rotate a svg group <g id="rotationFrame>. I have written the following TweenMax to achieve this: TweenMax.to("#rotationFrame", .5, { rotation:rotationDeg, transformOrigin:"50% 50%" }); This does work quite good using safari. But as soon as I switch to Chrome the code does some crazy stuff: Demo: https://vid.me/9EJU How can I solve this? To me it seems like Greensock is creating some wired css code, like transform-origin: 0px 0px 0px; transform: matrix(-0.86602, 0.49999, -0.49999, -0.86602, 957.167, 575.015); As soon as I change this manually to something more straight forward, it does work in chrome: transform-origin: 50% 50% transform: rotate(90deg);
  8. Hey People So, I'm trying to animate a bunch of elements from already centered positions. My problem is, when animating something that includes a transform-tween (ex. xPercent: og just x:) the tween seems to overwrite the existing transforms in the css by creating the matrix used by gsap. I'm certain there is a easy fix for this, I'm just not seeing it clearly....
  9. Hi guys, I set up a very minimal test case here: https://codepen.io/mbuesing/pen/pRpPOX Setting up a draggable with type x or y on an SVG element causes a problem on Chrome on Android: I can't move the element more than a couple px at a time, and the drag is not smooth. I can see this behaviour on multiple Android devices. I first thought this might have to do with the fact that in Chrome, GSAP uses CSS transforms in SVGs instead of attributes, but since that changed in the last version and the problem still persists, I guess it's something else. In this case I could simply use a proxy object and set the cx/cy values of the circle, but the project I'm working on is much more complex, so I'd like to avoid that if possible. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!
  10. If i have set transform either with css og TweenMax.set - e.g. transform: translateZ(100px); can I add other transform translates/rotations/etc. and keeping the translateZ?
  11. Hi guys, I just an article on the GSAP Blog about the "will-change" and Chrome issue with scaling images and after copying the codepen provided in the article I started to play around a solution that possibly could help lots of devs around. So, if you read this article http://greensock.com/will-change, you will see that the first image get blurry when scaling. I added "transformPerspective" and "z" properties on the animation and the scaling goes smoothly and works well. I have been using it for a while now and I hope you guys can find it useful as well. See the codes modified here: http://codepen.io/fernandofas/pen/jVyEpg Kind regards, Fernando Fas
  12. Hello, how would you scale back from a hi-res image to a lo-res like so: http://www.pixelettestudios.com/uploads/doctorwho/300x250/index.html That particular example uses canvas elements which I'm not familiar with so is there a way to go about achieving the same effect using Greensock TimelineMax? I know some transform origins may have to come into play but I'd like to achieve a seamless transition as in the example provided. Thanks!
  13. Hi all I'm encountering some jittery animation on chrome while animating the scale of a div using TweenMax (as well as other tween engines). In the codepen, the div with the image is encapsulated inside other divs in order to reproduce the conditions of the project I'm working on. I also put a css animation counterpart that doesn't have that jittery effect. I'm wondering why it is only happening with js tweening engines... I'm only seeing it on chrome (win & mac), it works nice on ff and safari (haven't tried edge yet). Except on ff mac, I get the jittery effect when i'm hovering the div. Do you also have that problem ? Is there a workaround ? I tried the "z" attribute and also put a translate3d on the parent. Thanks. Thomas.
  14. Hello, I am working with SVG object (Map), I have divided it by regions and now trying to append on-click zoom-in and zoom-out function. I have decided to make zooming function via changing Transform's "scale" and "translate" properties. Example is here: https://codepen.io/Creedplay/pen/oLRPjY Just check JS lines, and for test click on red object. I have used TweenMax library for transition change of up mentioned properties. My problem is a visual of transition, the "zoom effect" does not go straight to object, it starts from left and then goes to object. I think reason for it is asynchronous change of "scale" and "translate" properties. but I am not sure how to fix it. Can anyone explain why it does this? and help me to fix? I would like to make "zoom effect" to look like this: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/9656675 Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi all, I would like to transform an element using vh units rather than %, however when I use them the transformation produced is not correct. When I use TweenLite.to(el, 1, {y: '100%'}) the style applied to element is correct style="transform: translate(0%, 100%) matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);" but when I'm trying to use TweenLite.to(box2, 1, {y: '100vh'}) the style applied to element is style="transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 100);" Thanks for any advice!
  16. I'm looking at the Raphael FreeTransform tool on github and wondering if anyone has been able to successfully integrate that into GSAP via the Raphael Plugin. Need a FreeTransform tool and that one looks pretty good. Just don't want to do anything that causes conflicts with GSAP, etc. Also, really all I need is the ability to add selection handles that allow resize and rotate. I of course need drag but not sure if that will conflict with GSAPs draggable. Any insight from someone with experience in this would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Hi all, I have svg with couple of rectangles and I would like to scale them randomly while hovering with respect to the svg origin. At the same time I would them to rotate individually around their axis. The problem is that either transform origin gets overwritten by svg origin or vice versa. See the pen http://codepen.io/anon/pen/RRowRx. The rotation is commented out. Thanks a lot for any suggestions!
  18. Hi. I have trouble with Safari browser positioning of elements with TweenMax x and y. In all browsers car at this position: But in Safari car at the another position: Code: TweenMax.to("#car", 0.1, {x: 530, y: 262, scale: 0.6, transformOrigin: "50% 50%"}); How to fix it?
  19. I just added the gsap library to my web application. I have a set of notifications that appear, and in the case that it is a "sticky" notification (which can only be dismissed via code and not user interaction) it is meant to shake when it is clicked on. This works great in all browsers but does not work in IE at all. Apparently the issue is that the element that I am asking to animate with gsap already had a css "transition" property attached to the transform value. If I remove this property, then it will animate properly. I have not seen anything in the gsap forums/documentation to explain this behavior however. To be clear, my web application first makes the notification appear by adding a class (show-notification) to the div, which because of its transition property, animates it into view. I am then wanting to use gsap to animate it for a bounce animation in certain cases when the user clicks on it.
  20. squxd

    SVG Hover Animation

    1st post and it's a little rough... - I've been trying to create some hover animations on an SVG lately. Take a look at the codepen link (hover on x) to see where I'm at... My goal is to hover on the "X" and have the "A" flip/rotateY(180deg) to reveal. And when the mouse is off, have the "X" flip back. I will also mention/ask for further help having the diamond animate up and then back down relating directly to the hover of the "X". notes: - I know the "X" and "A" svg <path d=> are what is causing the width to be so far apart on rotation. This is to have the "X" in the correct placement within the file. (I have tried 'cropping' the SVG of "X" and "A" but the position/location is off. Question: - can I set a rotation orgin point manually? or do you think I should even be using more JS/GSAP to accomplish these effects? *There are actually even more interactions I have thought up - however they can wait until this problem is resolved, Thanks for ANY & ALL help! (I haven't found many examples of SVG hover animations)
  21. FYI the issue was on Chrome with Windows too, but it happens 100% of the time on OSX Chrome I have a ~30 second long timeline. I trigger a play and pause event depending on where you are on the page. If the animation is in view, it plays, if not, it pauses. I was having an issue where on the footer of my page certain elements would disappear for some unknown reason. So I did around 2 hours of figuring out what it was, and I narrowed it down to some CSS animations I left looping (unrelated to GSAP). That made sense, it was performance draining and so the browser started to glitch. So instead I tied this animation to my timeline and it worked even better than before... but the issue remained. Even when the timeline was paused, if the elements I was animating were stuck in a CSS transform in any way, elements on the page would disappear in Chrome OSX (100% of the time). I fixed it by adding a class that set transform to none when the timeline pauses, and removed it when it played. This was the only way I could fix it. I can't share the URL publicly, but I can post links to both versions via PM if it helps. My main questions in regards to this: Is this a known issue at all? If you animate dozens of things at once (in my case, dozens of 6x6 little squares), is it likely to cause issues, even if the browser isn't using much memory/CPU? It worked fine in every other browser. FF, Safari, IE, even IE9. Thanks
  22. Lagden

    Bug Safari 9.1

    Hi, I was testing and I found a problem on Safari 9.1 1.18.2 - ok: http://codepen.io/lagden/pen/PNyLKR 1.18.3 - fail: http://codepen.io/lagden/pen/reqoZY It is the same code, just change GSAP version. Well, I did a downgrade to solve! Basically, in version 1.18.3, matrix isn't working on Safari.
  23. Hi, I have a problem with a version 1.18.3 Here is a codepen with 1.18.3 in action http://codepen.io/anon/pen/PNdQdO and here is a same code with 1.18.2 in action http://codepen.io/anon/pen/reZJKE First I have tried to fix my code, which was working before and later i have realized that I have updated TweenMax version. After switching to 1.18.2 everything works fine as before. Is something changed so I need to change my code or this is a bug? Thanks!
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