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Found 7 results

  1. Hello GSAP community, I'm new to GSAP and struggling with making an element follow an SVG path while scrolling. The element isn't properly aligned and the animation feels off during scrolling. Any quick tips on getting it to align correctly with the path and ensuring smooth scrolling animation? Your guidance is much appreciated!
  2. Hey, I was wondering what would be the best way of creating something similar, a looped animaation that shrinks and moves so fuildly. Any examples or tips?
  3. Hey any tips or suggest to perform a kind of reel infinite random motions? I find my approach too redundant. Example on text matrix? I get a random behavior, but alway same from looping ! this is currently the code startMotion(){ const List = this.child.Master.children; //words //!motions words if('option motions words'){ gsap.staggerFromTo(List, 0.5, {alpha:0},{alpha:1, ease: Power1.easeIn}, 0.4); gsap.staggerTo(List, 4, { x:()=>`+=${Math.randomFrom(4,-8)}`, y:()=>`+=${Math.randomFrom(7,-10)}`, ease: Power1.easeInOut, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}, 0.2); }; }; What i would like it a way to compute a random range from a radius ? but alway random after loop cycle. Do gsap have a native easy feature to perform this? suggest welcome
  4. Animate anything (SVG, DOM, canvas, generic objects, whatever) along a motion path in any browser. Define the path using an SVG <path> or an Array of points. The magical "align" feature bends coordinate systems and really sets it apart. You can even edit the path in-browser using MotionPathHelper! Video Feature highlights Magical align capabilities that bend coordinate systems in order to position the target exactly on top of the path (or move the path to the target), regardless of how deeply nested they are inside different transformed containers! This is insanely convenient and no other tool on the web offers this functionality! autoRotate makes the target rotate automatically in the direction of the path as it moves. Define specific start and/or end positions on the path (progress values from 0-1). Even wrap around or go backwards! A separate MotionPathHelper tool for Club GreenSock members enables interactive editing of the path directly in the browser! No need to supply an SVG path - you can provide raw coordinates through which to plot a curved path, complete with adjustable curviness, or if your Array has cubic bezier coordinates just set type: "cubic". You can even have a path go through non-positional properties like scale, rotation, or ANYTHING! That will basically smooth out the velocity changes as it hits each value, like: [{scale:0.5, rotation:10}, {scale:1, rotation:-10}, {scale:0.8, rotation:3}]. Loads of helper methods for doing advanced things like: Convert native SVG shapes like <circle>, <rect>, etc. into an equivalent <path> (convertToPath()) Calculate the relative position data between any two DOM elements so that you can move one to align perfectly with another, even if they're inside different containers that have various transforms applied! (getRelativePosition()) Convert SVG <path> data into raw cubic bezier data/numbers (or the other way around) (stringToRawPath()/rawPathToString()) Get matrix data for converting between coordinate spaces (convertCoordinates() / getGlobalMatrix() / getAlignMatrix()) Check out the MotionPathPlugin Demos collection on CodePen! Demo Sample code gsap.to("#div", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true }, duration: 5, ease: "power1.inOut" }); Usage details (docs) Check out the MotionPathPlugin docs for all the details. How do I get it? MotionPathPlugin is included in the free download, so it's available via the CDN, Github, NPM, and Yarn too! See the installation page for all the options. MotionPathHelper (which lets you live-edit the path inside the browser) is a members-only benefit of Club GreenSock. If you're not a member yet, animation superpowers await! Demos MotionPath Showcase MotionPath How-To Demos
  5. Hi there guys! can you please help me I am struggling how to code the animation for it properly with my 4 separated frames images. I want to animate it smoothly and nicely like normal cyclist. Here's my code for animating 4 framed images. JavaScript: window.onload = init; function init() { TweenMax.set("#two, #three, #four", {alpha: 0}); animationOne(); } function animationOne() { TweenMax.to("#one", 0, {alpha: 0, delay: 1}); TweenMax.to("#two", 0, {alpha: 1, delay: 1}); TweenMax.to("#two", 0, {alpha: 0, delay: 1.1}); TweenMax.to("#three", 0, {alpha: 1, delay: 1.1}); TweenMax.to("#three", 0, {alpha: 0, delay: 1.2}); TweenMax.to("#four", 0, {alpha: 1, delay: 1.2}); TweenMax.set("#one", {alpha: 1, delay: 1.3}); TweenMax.set("#two, #three, #four", {alpha: 0, delay: 1.3, onComplete: animationTwo}); } function animationTwo() { TweenMax.to("#one", 0, {alpha: 0, delay: 1}); TweenMax.to("#two", 0, {alpha: 1, delay: 1}); TweenMax.to("#two", 0, {alpha: 0, delay: 1.1}); TweenMax.to("#three", 0, {alpha: 1, delay: 1.1}); TweenMax.to("#three", 0, {alpha: 0, delay: 1.2}); TweenMax.to("#four", 0, {alpha: 1, delay: 1.2}); } HTML: <div id="cyclist"> <img id="one" src="https://s32.postimg.org/inysw8m2d/wiggins_01.png"/> <img id="two" src="https://s32.postimg.org/ip8qpnnw5/wiggins_02.png"/> <img id="three" src="https://s32.postimg.org/c0279n2k5/wiggins_03.png"/> <img id="four" src="https://s32.postimg.org/j4k0io9th/wiggins_04.png"/> </div> CSS: img { position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px; bottom: 0; right: 0; } For full editing please go here: http://codepen.io/Waren_Gonzaga/pen/PzEzag Kindly fork my pen and please revise. It really helps me to figure out how to make a code for this animation.
  6. Hi i wonder if anyone know how to create google meaningful transition by using GSAP. and also i want to know how to implement below effect on Javascript, jquery or angular way. if anyone know it would be great and much helpfull http://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/meaningful-transitions.html#meaningful-transitions-visual-continuity http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/v_2/material_ext_publish/0B2wX4iIvu8L6aHVOOGxBOW5jZlE/animation-meaningfultransitions-visualcontinuity_music-tablet-01_xhdpi.webm and also i found this link http://material.cmiscm.com/ Jongmin Kim (@cmiscm). is the guy who made this amazing example. and these UI State change animation all done by using GSAP..i was amaze how smooth is it.. thats why i need to implement those type of effect on my own project. and also i want to know. is this can use for production project. and how the browser will handle. and how dom manipulation are handle, if anyone know know how to replicate that example. or any other way. please help me to understand this.
  7. Hi all! I want to make animation as here http://css-tricks.co...ples/Circulate/, the bottom of the page, the flying balls. But nothing happens. Tried Bezierplugin saddled with, but in the end there is a sharp transition is not smooth. Maybe someone knows how to do, tell me please. Here's an example of my code var maxx = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1,delay:1}); maxx.to($('.b-circul1'), 1, {css:{x:400,y:20,scale:0.5},ease:Linear.easeNone}); maxx.to($('.b-circul1'), 1, {css:{x:800,y:0,scale:1},ease:Linear.easeNone}); maxx.to($('.b-circul1'), 1, {css:{x:400,y:-20,scale:1.5},ease:Linear.easeNone}); maxx.to($('.b-circul1'), 1, {css:{x:0,y:0,scale:1},ease:Linear.easeNone});
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