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  1. I've create a function which scrolls to the next anchor detecting the scroll direction (See below) const CONTAINER_STRING = '#main-container>main', CONTAINER = document.querySelector( CONTAINER_STRING ) let currentChild = 0 gsap.registerPlugin( ScrollToPlugin ) CONTAINER.addEventListener( 'wheel', ( { deltaY } ) => { if ( currentChild < CONTAINER.childElementCount - 1 && deltaY > 0 ) currentChild++ if ( currentChild > 0 && deltaY < 0 ) --currentChild gsap.to( CONTAINER, .5, { scrollTo: '#' + document.querySelector( `${CONTAINER_STRING}>:nth-child(${currentChild + 1})` ).id } ) }, { passive: true } ) My problem is i can't detect if gsap is currently tweening in my page. I've tried some tricks like extract the tween into a variable, but nothing works... ? So how can i detect an interpolation in my page or detect if this specific tween is active ?
  2. Hi. This is probebly an easy one, but I need some one to point me in the right direction here. I can't get .isActive() and .kill() to work on my TimelineMax (or don't understand how it works). I have search the forum and tried some examples but still no luck. I want to create a simple feedback animation for the user when click on a save button. If the user clicks several times while the animation is running, I want it to kill the active one and start a new one. Does not sound that hard, but now it just create an other feedback message beside the existing one. Please help.
  3. Hi guys first time asking help here ?, I'm doing some stuff with timelinemax and trying to make animation without make another starting while the first is active, i've discovered the isActive property but even by trying it and reading some other post i didn't get any solution for my method, does anyone can help me thank you if (!tl.isActive()) { tl .add('move') .set(this.$refs.mask, { clearProps: 'all' }) .set(this.$refs.tabs, { clearProps: 'all' }) .set(icons, { clearProps: 'all' }) .set(mask, { x, y, scale, }) .to(this.$refs.picture, 0.8, { x, y, scale, ease: Power4.easeOut, }, 'move') .to(this.$refs.triggers, 0.1, { opacity: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut, }, 'move') .to(mask, 0.3, { autoAlpha: 1, }, 'move+=0.4') .to(tab, 0.3, { backgroundColor: '#F4F0E9', ease: Power4.easeOut, }, 'move+=0.2'); }
  4. Hi, why doe's isActive() fail after timeline is repeated? And if it's expected behavior with repeat:-1, what's the workaround?
  5. Hi there! So the issue that I'm running into is that I am trying to pause all of the tweens that are .isActive(). This works for all tweens that are actively tweening, but not those that have a delay on them. They will then play while everything else if paused. So what I'm looking for is a way to get .isActive() that includes delayed tweens. Any help? Some background: Originally, I was using .pauseAll(true, true), and .resumeAll(true, true). And that worked as expected, except I couldn't continue using that method because I can't resume all tweens because some will need to be resumed, and some will still need to remain paused. So now I'm using getAllTweens(), and then storing off only the active ones using .isActive() and then using .pause() and .resume() on only those that are stored off. Is there a way for .pause() to behave more like .pauseAll() or is there some other way that would work? Thanks! This is using TweenMax and as2. I'm not using TimelineMax, nor can I for this project.
  6. I've created a scene manager that wraps Greensock, with the intent of being able to step through animations one "step" at a time, kind of like a slideshow, except the steps are animated - each step is constructed from a child timeline. There are a few issues with it, but the one I am currently struggling with is that mainTimeline.isActive always returns false, even when the animation is clearly moving. http://codepen.io/nbieber/pen/pvQQPN Is this because mainTimeline is considered paused somehow even when it's child timelines are tweening? That doesn't seem right, since I'm trigging a play with mainTimeline.tweenFromTo - but I'm not sure what else it could be. Any help on how to detect whether the animation is currently playing would be appreciated. You'll see in the codepen I also tried a different approach, creating a variable called inMiddleOfStep and toggling it in onStart/onComplete callbacks, but this does not always work - sometimes the onComplete callbacks don't fire until the beginning of the next 'step.' Thanks!
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