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  1. Hi, I ran into some odd behavior with TimelineMax recently. When setting 'display:none' in the timeline, and running it in reverse, everything works as expected - most of the time. Quite often though (it's completely random), the display property does not get set - or reset if you will - when reversing, leaving it at 'display:inherit' after the animation is done, as demonstrated in the fiddle. You need to open the debugger to see it (and click the button until it occurs). https://jsfiddle.net/rvq96mht/ Adding 'clearProps:display' at the start of the timeline is causing other issues, such as 'display:inherit' not being set when expanding. The behavior is consistent in both Chrome and Firefox. Any ideas?
  2. I don't have a live example to show just yet, but here is my problem. I have a button with a shine that runs across it when you roll over. The shine is within a div that has its overflow property set to hidden. This is so the excess shine image is cropped. But when I animate the scale of any other element in my document, it releases the overflow on the button. When I scale an element back to normal size, the overflow property becomes hidden again. Why is the scale property causing that? (ex: TweenLite.to(object, .25, {scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5});
  3. Hello I was dealing with an issue in Firefox Mobile Browser, where it would not honor overflow hidden when 3d transforming its child. So the parent that had overflow hidden, would have its childs 3d transforms display outside the parents bounds. There is an opacity: 0.99 hack that you can add to the parent your transforming, but in some instances it will cause the layout to get pushed down, and is very very frustrating to debug. .targetElementThatHas3dTransforms { opacity: 0.999; } Firefox Mobile Browser does not honor overflow hidden when using or animating 3d transforms on its child. So i came up with another hack which i find that worked. Apply this to your style sheet: * { outline: 1px none transparent; } I also did some other tests, and found out that if you add this to the element your animating, that uses 3d transforms.. it should also fix that overflow hidden bug: .targetElementThatHas3dTransforms { outline:1px none transparent; } Also if you want to apply via javascript and only apply on FireFox Mobile Browser you can do this: // check for FireFox var isFF = !(window.mozInnerScreenX == null); // check for mobile touch support var isTouch = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement); // check for FireFox Mobile Browser (FireFox and Mobile Touch) if(isFF && isTouch){ TweenMax.set($('.targetElementThatHas3dTransforms'),{'outline':'1px solid transparent'}); } I found out the Desktop version of Firefox doesnt like the outline on the element that has the 3d Transforms. And animates slow and blocky in some cases, So above we only add the hack when in Mobile view.. from what i noticed in my tests. This solved the Firefox Mobile Browser overflow hidden bug. Im not sure why the Firefox Mobile browser behaves this way. But I thought i would share this, so if anybody runs in to this same issue, it can provide some help.
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