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  1. Thank you for this. And I appreciate your warning. Believe me, I'd prefer not to be using this old version. You guys do amazingly great work.
  2. Hi, thanks for that, but that's giving me a lot of errors in my Flash Builder project. For some reason the project can't find any of the classes. Do you have a SWC by any chance?
  3. We have a client that refuses to update their GSAP files. We are getting this error - VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of duration in com.greensock.tweenmax The client is using v 11.698. Does anyone know where I can find this version of GSAP? Thanks!
  4. PS After using ApplicationDomain with Adobe's Loader class, the method recursivePrependURLs is now working for me for XMLLoaders. Cheers
  5. Hi, I'll try to build a test when I have time. But here is more detail. I was able to fix my issue by using ActionScript 3's loader class. I have a swf that loads another swf that loads another swf. Swf A loads swf B, swf B loads swf C. Swf B also loads xml. Swf B works fine when played alone. In swf B I'm getting its relative URL so its assets will load. I'm using this code to get the relative path so swf B will function inside swf A or when played standalone: var obsolutePath:String; var relativePath:String; obsolutePath = loaderInfo.url; var stringStart:Number = 0; var stringEnd:Number = obsolutePath.lastIndexOf("/")+1; relativePath = obsolutePath.slice(stringStart, stringEnd); When swf B loads into swf A I get a LoaderMax error stating that swf A couldn't load swf B, and the url the message displays has is showing the url being set by swf B, it's very odd. So swf B sets its relative url, and swf A sets its relative url, and swf B is overriding swf A's relative url. I fixed it buy using this in swf A for loading swf B: var appDomain:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(); var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, appDomain); var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(DataVO( facade.retrieveProxy( DataProxy.NAME ).getData() ).relativePath + "career-home-swf/b.swf"); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderCompleteHandler); loader.load(req, context); swf B and swf A are two different projects in Flash Builder, but they have many of the same frameworks. They don't share literally the same files, they have copies of the same frameworks. swf C only has art assets, no added classes or code. Is my issue related to this: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ActionScript/3.0_ProgrammingAS3/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9b90204-7e07.html Thanks for any help or explanation. Cheers.
  6. Hi, I can't get recursivePrependURLs to work for me. I have additional XMLLoaders in an xml file I'm loading. The main xml file is getting loaded but none of its children are, their URLs are not being updated. var relativePath:String = "/"; LoaderMax.activate([xmlLoader]); var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onComplete:loadFilesComplete}); var xmlLoader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("assets/xml/config.xml", newXMLLoaderVars().name("configXML").recursivePrependURLs(relativePath)); queue.append( xmlLoader ); queue.prependURLs(relativePath); queue.load(); and here is my xml: <config> <settings stageWidth="800" stageHeight="600" /> <XMLLoader name="tips and hints XML" url="assets/xml/tips_and_hints.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> <XMLLoader name="items" url="assets/xml/items.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> <XMLLoader name="careers" url="assets/xml/careers.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> <XMLLoader name="origin comic" url="assets/xml/origin-comic.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> </config> Am I doing something wrong? Cheers
  7. Hi, I can't get recursivePrependURLs to work for me. I have additional XMLLoaders in an xml file I'm loading. The main xml file is getting loaded but none of its children are, their URLs are not being updated. var relativePath:String = "/"; LoaderMax.activate([xmlLoader]); var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onComplete:loadFilesComplete}); var xmlLoader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("assets/xml/config.xml", new XMLLoaderVars().name("configXML").recursivePrependURLs(relativePath)); queue.append( xmlLoader ); queue.prependURLs(relativePath); queue.load(); and here is my xml: <config> <settings stageWidth="800" stageHeight="600" /> <XMLLoader name="tips and hints XML" url="assets/xml/tips_and_hints.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> <XMLLoader name="items" url="assets/xml/items.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> <XMLLoader name="careers" url="assets/xml/careers.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> <XMLLoader name="origin comic" url="assets/xml/origin-comic.xml" load="true" estimatedBytes="10" /> </config> Am I doing something wrong? Cheers
  8. So can you always use TweenMax.getTweensOf(this); even if you started the tween with TweenLite? Or would I have to use TweenLite.getTweensOf(this); ? cheers
  9. Hi, This is not working for me: TweenMax.from(this, 33, {colorTransform:{tint:0xC7DDC6, tintAmount:0.3}}); TweenMax.killTweensOf(this); The tween continues and works, but shouldn't it be killed? And I've noticed there is no complete parameter. Isn't there suppose to be? This does stop the tween: TweenMax.from(this, 33, {colorTransform:{tint:0xC7DDC6, tintAmount:0.3}}); TweenMax.killAll(true); I want to stop all and complete all tweens of an object before assigning another tween to it. So something likes this: TweenMax.killTweensOf(this); TweenMax.from(this, 33, {colorTransform:{tint:0xC7DDC6, tintAmount:0.3}}); And I want the object to complete during the kill. Thanks!
  10. SnorklTV... my cat's name is Snorkel : )
  11. Hi, My client wants to use the debug version, I'll find out what version. I'm using estimatedBytes in the xml file that loads. I'm loading most of my content via loadermax's xml nodes (can't remember what that's called). So in my code loadermax loads one xml file and that xml file tigers the loading of a couple of swfs and sometimes another xml file. Which is what makes loadermax so awesome! I'll wait to see if the client is still getting the error and try what you have suggested. Thanks!
  12. Hi Carl, I can not create this error. It happens for my client and they have sent me screen grabs of the error, but I can't trigger it on any computer at my disposal. The thing is that the game (it's a game) works fine if the client closes the Flash Player error pop up. But if any of the content didn't load then the game wouldn't work, so it's strange to get this error, but have all the content still load. I did update my greensock code and ship the client another version. This is a snippet of my code: public function getTrack(callBackFunction:Function, progressFunction:Function):void { loaderCallBackFunction = callBackFunction; //queueDispose(); queue = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressFunction, onComplete:trackLoaded, onError:errorHandler}); queue.append( new XMLLoader(model.trackCard.xmlDataUrl, {name:"xmlData"}) ); queue.load(); } private function trackLoaded(event:LoaderEvent):void { var trackSWFLoader:SWFLoader = LoaderMax.getLoader("trackSwf"); var loaderRawContent:MovieClip = trackSWFLoader.rawContent; // sounds var soundsSwfLoader:SWFLoader = LoaderMax.getLoader("soundsSwf"); model.embedSound.TrackMusicClass = soundsSwfLoader.getClass(model.trackCard.musicClass); model.embedSound.TrackAnnouncerStartClass = soundsSwfLoader.getClass(model.trackCard.announcerStartClass); var thisXML:XML = LoaderMax.getContent("xmlData"); model.trackCard.parseXML(XML(thisXML.trackData)); queueDispose(); loaderCallBackFunction.call(null, loaderRawContent.track_mc); loaderCallBackFunction = null; } public function getMusic():void { // create and return objects } private function errorHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { trace("error occured with " + event.target + ": " + event.text); } private function queueDispose():void { if (queue != null) { queue.dispose(true); queue = null; } }
  13. Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found Hi, I get the above error, sometimes. It's very strange, it only occurs on some machines, most don't get this error. When the error occurs, if the user closes the warning pop up, the project functions perfectly, all content is downloaded. So although this error pops up, everything is still getting downloaded. Does anyone have any ideas for how I can deal with this? cheers.
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