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  1. http://antonin.space/alcara/ Is it possible to create an effect similar to this with GSAP? When you scroll down, the scroll does not immediately happen. The images are first masked on the sides, and then the scroll snaps to the next segment of the page before the images are unmasked. I'm thinking that it could somehow be done with TimelineMax, but I'm not sure how to delay the snapping. It makes for a much nicer effect than what I currently have, which is a function being called (containing multiple GSAP Timeline functions) on mouseenter/mouseleave on div for a page section. This takes a second to update and the lag is very visible, whereas the example I've linked feels immediate. If somebody knows a codepen or other resource where a similar effect is achieved, I would be extremely grateful if it were shared with me. Feel like I'm getting to the point where I can make nice effects with GSAP, but the transitions feel a bit jittery because I'm not sure how to trigger them with good timing. Thank you!
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