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About PinkMeNow

  • Birthday 03/15/1975

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  • Location
    Zagreb, Croatia

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  1. I would like to make a spalsh screen animation between internal pages? I cannot even figure where to start. I tried searching the net but maybe Im searching for incorrect search terms or using wrong wording. Im looking for something like this (try browsing a bit) I'm not looking for a code just that I would appreciate help to just point me in the right direction. But also any code example is welcome. Thanks.
  2. Actually, I think Im linking to the same domain. Am i not?
  3. I'm trying to have an GSAP animation after internal link click. Like transitional splash between pages. I have this script this script but for some reason when I use GSAP instead of "classic" js/jQuery transitions it never loads next page. What am I doint wrong?
  4. I swear, cross my heart I tried repeat: 1. thank you
  5. Thanks. I didn't even know I have the access to beta Im trying to achieve for each of those white forms to dissapear after appearing before next one appears... Codepen
  6. Is it possible to add pause between each staggered element in stagger. Each element is supposed to appear and fade and don't appear. I want each element to fade after previous one has appeared and faded away and not to appear until whole loop starts again. TweenMax.staggerFrom(".line11", 0.3, {opacity:0, ease: Expo. easeIn, yoyo:true, repeat:-1}, -0.59);
  7. What am I doing wrong here. On mouse hover it should enlarge the text hovered. On mouseleave it should scale back.
  8. This page is rendered differently in Firefox as opposed to Chrome. PAGE Which one is correct and how to fix it?
  9. I have a click button that after click sends calendar entry to the user. What I'm trying to achieve is that dot in the middle scales up over letter radius on mouse hover. I've tried several approachesnow but for some reason I cannot do it. This is my code: TweenMax.to(".innerletters, .outerletters, .roundbutton", 8, {opacity:1, delay:7}); TweenMax.to(".innerletters", 32, {css:{rotation:-360, transformOrigin:'50% 50%'},ease:Linear.easeNone,repeat: -1,paused: false}); TweenMax.to(".outerletters", 22, {css:{rotation:-360, transformOrigin:'50% 50%'},ease:Linear.easeNone,repeat: -1,paused: false}); function hoverOn () { var ttt = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); ttt.to(".roundbutton", 2, {fill: '#F15D2E'}) ttt.to(".roundbutton", 2, {fill: '#EEBC27'}, "+=1") ttt.to(".roundbutton", 2, {fill: '#8DC641'}, "+=1") ttt.to(".roundbutton", 2, {fill: '#F15D2E'}, "+=1") }
  10. I'm trying to scale up specific path from SVG graphic. It's not working so I may be missing something. Path definition <symbol id="dot"><path id="smalldot" class="cls-2" d="M104.9,36a3,3,0,1,1-3-3A3,3,0,0,1,104.9,36Z"/></symbol> JS TweenMax.to("#dot", 3, { scale: 5 });
  11. yep that works using different type of selector instead of variable. thank you.
  12. Thank you for the reply. It works on codepen if I remove defer, yet it doesn't work on the page: Is it an issue of page load sequencing?
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