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Nathan Harold

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  1. Hi @PointC, Thank you for this detailed explanation. It's crystal clear. You have saved me 53 lines of codes Much appreciated. ~ Nathan.
  2. Hi Jack, Apologies for not being clear. Since using the GSAP with ScrollMagic we are depending on the animation on the scroll, right? So what is the point of using duration ( in second )? I have noticed that when I change the duration, the animation also changes but I couldn't figure out the pattern and the reason. ~ Nathan.
  3. Thanks to the amazing documentation of GreenSock, I have found the solution. I just add a position parameter at the and of each tween. At the end: let controllerPerspectiveFirst = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); perspectiveTimeline = new TimelineMax(); perspectiveTimeline .to( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--01', 4, { autoAlpha: .72, scaleY: .8, scaleX: .8, ease: Power4.easeOut }, 0 ) .from( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--02', 4, { scaleY: 1.4, scaleX: 1.4, autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut }, 0 ) .to( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--01', 4, { autoAlpha: 0, scaleY: 0, scaleX: 0, x: '-40vw', y: '-70vh', ease: Power4.easeOut }, 1 ) .to( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--02', 4, { width: '180vw', scaleY: .6, scaleX: .6, x: '-40vw', y: '-28vw', ease: Power4.easeOut }, 1 ) .from( '#as-perspective-bg--desert', 4, { scaleY: 1.4, scaleX: 1.4, autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut }, 1 ); But I do have another question, it may sound stupid. While using ScrollMagic is there point to add a second to the tween?
  4. Greetings, I'm new at GreenSock ( first project ) and as you may guess, I do have some struggles, I want to group the tweens in the timeline, rather than going individually, first two goes at the same time and then the second two and so on... I really try to figure out by myself, I add a minus delay but it's not working properly with ScrollMagic or I can't make it work. Here is my code: let controllerPerspectiveFirst = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); perspectiveTimeline = new TimelineMax(); perspectiveTimeline .to( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--01', .4, { autoAlpha: .72, scaleY: .8, scaleX: .8, ease: Power4.easeOut } ) .from( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--02', .4, { scaleY: 1.4, scaleX: 1.4, autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut } ) .to( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--01', .4, { autoAlpha: 0, scaleY: 0, scaleX: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut } ) .to( '#as-perspective-bg--mountain--02', .4, { width: '180vw', scaleY: .6, scaleX: .6, ease: Power4.easeOut } ) .from( '#as-perspective-bg--desert', .4, { scaleY: 1.4, scaleX: 1.4, autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut } ); Thanks much.
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