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  1. nino-la

    Line drawing SVG

    I was able to figure it out. Stroke dasharray/dashoffset needs to go negative and then it appears as on the example.
  2. nino-la

    Line drawing SVG

    Sorry, I thought this forum was something similar to stackoverflow for gsap.
  3. nino-la

    Line drawing SVG

    I know, but it's not free. Any way I can do this with gsap only?
  4. nino-la

    Line drawing SVG

    Hi there, I'm trying to create a line animation that is traveling from A to B, fades in, than continues from B to A. Here is what I have so far: https://codepen.io/nette-la/pen/ZEYPyrK Basically, I want to make line disappear and then re-draw itself from top to bottom when it comes back. Hope this makes sense. What's the best approach with gsap to do this?
  5. Thanks for your replay. I also wanted to ask, since i'm experiencing some choppiness what are some gotchas on how to improve performance when using gsap? Is staggerTo/From better then simple to/from when you have multiple tweens? does force3D: true/false do anything for performance? I also read to use autoalpha instead of opacity. Is there anything else?
  6. Hi there, I have 2 SVG graphics that are over 1000 lines of code. I'm animating them with GSAP. However, on IE and Edge it takes quite a bit to load all the html. Are there other ways to render SVG so that it can still be animated with GSAP? I know if i have img tag then GSAP won't work. Any suggestions?
  7. Yes! ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️ Thank you so much! @PointC
  8. @PointC Thanks for your replay! So I don't think I can use stagger cause each icon has 2 separate paths (1 to load path and another one to load circle fill -- they are also not next to each other so I can't wrap them) so wouldn't they load in different time? I have added scale. Can you have another look? You see how they are not in the bulb.
  9. My SVG that I'm trying to animate is large and scaling moves the elements around so I can't animate with scale. Is there another way i can achieve that pop-up smooth animation without using scale? See codepen! https://codepen.io/anetakostic/full/wxNBVZ/ Also, would like if they could faster pop up, currently i have 0.2sec.. why is it taking longer?
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