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  1. Hello, I having little trouble with executing my rotation on ellipse already rotated. When animation arrive to point js sets to transform matrix which disappear the item. Here is my example. Can you please someone adjust so it will work? <g id="telo"> <ellipse id="path3557" cx="40.935" cy="145.17" rx="1.5368" ry="2.0713" fill="#0a0a0a" stroke-width=".265"/> <ellipse id="path3559" cx="40.968" cy="152.46" rx=".91535" ry="4.5569" fill="#0a0a0a" stroke-width=".23837"/> <ellipse id="pravaruka" transform="rotate(-38.801)" cx="-61.161" cy="146" rx=".35332" ry="3.8743" fill="#0a0a0a" stroke-width=".265"/> <ellipse id="levaruka" transform="rotate(.81725)" cx="42.963" cy="151.7" rx=".34602" ry="3.8743" fill="#0a0a0a" stroke-width=".265"/> <path id="path3581" d="m38.65 145.63 0.89196 7e-3 0.75931-1.5496 1.658-0.29831 1.5477-1.9189-1.8174 0.62294-1.4213-1.3172-0.68486 1.8977-1.5662 0.36579z" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke-width=".26458px"/> </g> <script> var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}), pravaruka = "#pravaruka"; tl.to(pravaruka, 2, {rotation: "+=2"}) </script>
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