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Carl last won the day on December 24 2023

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Status Replies posted by Carl

  1. Hi Carl, I just purchased the 'Shockingly Green' membership for a project that I'm working on with one other developer. I'm wondering if the other developer on my team will be able use the code? Will we need to share an environment or can we both work independently? What all can you tell me about this?



    1. Carl test


      HI Jesse,


      Thanks for asking about this - it says a lot about the type of developer you are (honorable). You’re exactly the type of customer we love to serve! 


      Shockingly Green is meant for individuals (a single developer), not to be shared on a team.


      In order for multiple developers to use the bonus plugins you will need to upgrade to a Business Green membership.


      The standard “Business Green” memberships are broken down into 3 general buckets - “Single Developer” ($150/year), “Up to 5 Developers” ($500/year), or “Up to 20 Developers” ($1,500/year). If you have 2 developers, then the "Up to 5 Developers" option will work for you.


      Our entire licensing model (which youcan read about at http://greensock.com/why-license/) is based on the honor system and a simple number-of-developers pricing structure. We don’t require that you “register" each person or project, nor do we inject “phone home” scripts that report usage or suddenly cause things to stop working if your license expires.


      We extend respect to our users and trust that it'll be reciprocated. Thus far, it has worked well. We’ve been doing this for a decade now with no plans to stop. 


      I’m pretty confident you’ll find that the license pays for itself very quickly when you consider the time it saves you, the added capabilities, performance, reliability, etc. Typically our customers find that it pays for itself literally in a matter of days (or weeks at the most). But if you’re not happy we’ll gladly issue a full refund. We’re passionate about having happy customers around here. 


      Thanks again for asking.


      Happy Tweening!



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hi jon

    i need to rotate a bunch of stars around the ball

    i attached a .gif file  for your reference

    kindly help

    i wait your response


    1. Carl test


      Please post your question in the public forum:



      The public forums are available so that each question can get equal attention from the community. Posting questions in a moderator's public profile like this is strongly discouraged.


      Thank you for understanding,



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hi

    i need to rotate bunch of stars around the globe using in greensock 

    can you please help me how i do this

    i attach the PDF file for reference


    1. Carl test




      Please post your question in the public forum:



      The public forums are available so that each question can get equal attention from the community. Posting questions in a moderator's public profile like this is strongly discouraged.


      Thank you for understanding,




  4. GSAP SVG Transform Origin bad behavior


    I'm trying to make this orbits rotates from the center (transfrom-origin: 50% 50%) but why it's still moving?


    Why its doesn't rotate in the middle. And if you keep clicking the other planets it get a mess (need to uncomment to see it ). What I need to do to keep things always centered and not move around when rotating. Thanks a lot guys.

    1. Carl test




      Please post this as a new topic in our public support forums: https://greensock.com/forums/forum/11-gsap/

      These profile feeds are not for 1 on 1 support. 


      I'd suggest simplifying your demo to just a few tweens or lines of code that clearly illustrate the issue. We can't try to debug 200+ lines of code.





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