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  1. Thank you for feedback! Yes, I want to port this app to Mac in the future but at the moment I focused on Windows version so can't promise anything. Unfortunately, no tutorials yet. I'm going to hire a technical writer for this task as soon as possible - hope will fill this void soon.
  2. Hi, Aphalina Animator is a visual authoring tool that produces human-readable gsap + svg code. I just launched version 1.2 with some new features: path motion, hand-drawing imitation, clip masks, sprite sheets, sequence animations (similar to GSAP staging). It is paid app but can be used for free for non-commercial projects. Project link is aphalina.com. Any feedback is highly appreciated!
  3. I proud to announce that I finally published first release. Many thanks to all of you who send me feedback! @davi Thank you for detailed feedback, Unfortunately current release is Windows only but I plan to add Mac edition in the future. Yes, app have it's own file format but the exported document is single html file with embedded js\svg\images. The only external dependence is GSAP library. I don't see any benefits in placing everything in single svg instead of single html and I'm afraid it can cause browser compatibility issues. Unlike bodymovin\Animate CC I''m trying to make result jscript easily readable\editable so I think it's possible to add some "snippet generation" workflow in the future. @Oliver16Years I spent some time trying same animations in code and in visual editor and I have to agree with You that if you work on complex animation and you know your animation library very good things can be faster with manual coding. I must admit that first version of my tool is mainly for people who can't code or don't want to learn GSAP syntax. But in general I still believe that one can be very productive using sophisticated visual tool. I hope I will be able to prove this with future releases of my app.
  4. @Oliver16Years, thank you for feedback. Could you explain this in more details? I'm agree that there are lot of situations where manual coding is much better option, but I think there are also many cases when you can generate most of js and use hand-coded scripts only when you need some custom logic. Of course I plan to add "custom script" section that will allow to inject custom code in results. Also I'm trying to make generated results looks like it was coded by hand so it will be possible to create "draft" visually and than polish in script editor.
  5. I recently start working on visual tool that produces SVG + GSAP code. I'm on early beta stage and need feedback from experienced GSAP animators. Will you use tool like this if generated code quality will be good enough? If yes, what are must-have features for first release? Would you like to participate in beta testing? (First beta is available for download)
  6. @cartimundi, thank you for feedback. I'm trying to make it obvious when you change only "Scale" component. Probably I should implement standard scaling and provide some way to use this method for "expert" users (with Shift-pressed for example) To be honest I'm focused on quality of html5\svg export for the first release. For now I have only simplest avi implementation with minimum compression so you need re-compress result before publish. I will add more robust video export in the future releases.
  7. Hi, I’m working on general purpose GSAP+SVG visual authoring tool. I just published very first beta and I need feedback from GSAP community. This is the very early beta – not polished and have only small fraction of planned features. My main questions are: 1) Do you need tool like this? 2) Is user interface convenient? What should be changed in UI? 3) What are the most important missing features? You can download beta from project web site at: https://aphalina.com First version is Windows only. I will really appreciate any feedback, Evgeny
  8. Thank you for clarification! I'm glad that I will be able to use GSAP for my app.
  9. Hello, I have exactly same question, but my app that generates animations will be available worldwide on App Store. Is "Business Green" license is enough to do this? Will end users of my app have restrictions in using results of the app? Thanks, Eugene
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