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Everything posted by Hector18

  1. I've created a demo with 3 ScrollTriggers. For the lists, I'm adding the 'in-view' class. Everything works fine, but it's not synchronized with the parent div that's pinned. How could I synchronize them? Thank you!
  2. Hi, I've tried to add the height change option when item are filtered but I got stock. Can anybody help me? Thank you! Here is the Pen: https://codepen.io/Hector18/pen/KKGevzm
  3. Is there a solution to integrate also mouse wheel scroll function?
  4. Hi, I have this function: $('.stagger-caption').each(function(){ var $this = $(this); var $totalHeight = $this.closest('.stagger-slide').outerHeight(true) - $this.outerHeight(true); const ST= ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: $this, start: "top top", end: "+=" + $totalHeight, pin: $this, scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true }); }); How can I update the END value on resize? Thank you!
  5. Edit: On first time you start dragging the items jumps all above one time their height I've forgot to put the items on position absolute in css, but I solved meanwhile. Now I'll try to implement the hammer js. Thank you @ZachSaucier for help!
  6. Hi Zach, Thank you for your answer. I tried to adapt the script for vertical use but I did something wrong. Perhaps you could help me a little bit. Thank you! https://codepen.io/Hector18/pen/yLaMomw
  7. Hi, Can anyone tell me how i can achieve this infinite scroll effect with GSAP to translate with ease the elements? Here is the example: https://bizar.ro/ Thank you!
  8. Hi @OSUblake, Can you point me how to integrate also mouse scroll on this carousel? Thank you
  9. Hector18

    Sticky Cursor

    here is the last version of my pen: https://codepen.io/Hector18/pen/zYYewBy
  10. Hector18

    Sticky Cursor

    The cursor stick where you enter over the link. It should move in front of the link ant stick there. The mikel example is a good start but it works only on one link and when you leave the ball do not update position with ease, it jumps which is not good
  11. Hector18

    Sticky Cursor

    The cursor stick where you enter over the link. It should move in front of the link
  12. Hector18

    Sticky Cursor

    Hi @mikel, this is a good example but has a bug when you leave button the ball jump to mouse cursor without ease. I just added the script into my pen, but something is wrong: https://codepen.io/Hector18/pen/zYYewBy?editors=1010
  13. Hector18

    Sticky Cursor

    Hi @ZachSaucier, my pen is the last on my post with "Button One" and "Button Two".
  14. Hector18

    Sticky Cursor

    Hi, Can everyone help me to achieve a similar effect on mouse cursor on my existing script, like in this pen: https://codepen.io/g-norman/pen/ExxobEm Thank you
  15. Hi, I'm trying to animate the drag for the swiper with tweenmax. Now the dragging option is to quick and jerky. Dees anyone know how to animate the drag option with tweenmax to have an easing accelerate effect? Here is an example with a slider who has the drag options with nice easing options: http://www.benmingo.com/ Thank you!
  16. Yes, this is the right solution for my project
  17. How can I do with 2 timelines, like in my example? Thank you!
  18. Hi, Just created a pen. For Second row I want animation to start first from box number 6, not from box number 1 like in the first row. Thanks
  19. Hi, I have this timeline function on next slide click event from my slider: var tl = new TimelineLite(); var tl = new TimelineLite(); $('.content1').find('.box').each(function(index, element) { tl.to(element, 0.5, {scale:0.9, x:100, opacity:0, ease:Power2.easeInOut}, index * 0.02) }); What I want to achieve is on prev slide click event is the timeline animation to start form the last element and end to first element. How can I do this? Thank you!
  20. Hi guys. I made a pen with vertical scroll. What I want to achieve is a smooth scroll and and animation to start form top and end at bottom of the screen like in this example: http://ultra.studio/ Thanks in advance for your help!
  21. Thank you Sahil. You always save me! Cheers!
  22. Hi, I try to create an effect like in this example but mine have some bugs on fast hover in and out. Ex: http://m2hagency.com/carprice *** Scroll to the bottom page. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  23. Thank you Sahil. Now I'm able to apply parallax effect to multiply elements with the same class without duplicate the same function! Thank you again!
  24. I've made a codepen test: Here is the example: https://bullyingandbehavior.com/ When you move the mouse over the left bottom link, the circle scale up and align with the arrow. When you move the cursor over the arrow, the circle parallax it with the arrow. The same effect I want to create. Thanks in advance for help!
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