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Hari t

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  1. Hi, In our magento project, we need to add scroll magic animations. we used the following code to include libraries: requirejs-config.js: var config = { paths: { "TweenMax" : "js/TweenMax.min", "scrollMagic" : "js/ScrollMagic", "animation.gsap" : "js/plugins/animation.gsap" }, deps: [ ], "shim": { /*"wc_owlCorousel" : { "deps" : ['jquery'] }*/ "TweenMax" : { exports: 'TweenMax', }, "scrollMagic" : { exports: 'scrollMagic', }, "animation.gsap" : { exports: 'animation.gsap', }, } }; And in library files placed in the respective folders. Then, we added this code in our html page: requirejs(['jquery','scrollMagic'], function ($,ScrollMagic) { ............... ................. But when running we get this error: (ScrollMagic.Scene) -> ERROR calling setTween() due to missing Plugin 'animation.gsap'. Please make sure to include plugins/animation.gsap.js. We tried some alternatives such as : requirejs(['jquery','scrollMagic', 'TweenMax'], function ($,ScrollMagic, TweenMax) { .......................... } But nothing is woked. Please let me know how to include scroll magic and green sock in magento (or in require js)
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