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  1. @Carl Please can you update or provide some details for above.
  2. The above codepen demo works with free movement because it has the script tag <script type="text/javascript" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/ThrowPropsPlugin.min.js"></script> But if i run it outside codepen when dragEnds it navigates to greensock website. If I comment the script tag above the movement is draggy. I hope you understood my query Carl, thank you again for your time and reply.
  3. Hi Carl, By rotate freely I meant ThrowProps:true property is responsible to actually show that its rotating freely and not dragging. If I remove the script below <script type="text/javascript" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/ThrowPropsPlugin.min.js"></script> And this is what I write Draggable.create(wheel, { type: "rotation", throwProps: true, minimumMovement: 10, onDrag:function(e){ }, onDragEnd:function(e){ debugger; }, onClick: function(e) { }, liveSnap:{ rotation: function(value) { //snap to the closest increment of 10. return Math.round(value / 10) * 10; } } }); It doesn't move freely, looks like drag movement and not free movement. Even if i remove the liveSnap function the movement is draggy no free
  4. Hi Carl, thank you for your reply appreciate it. As suggested I built the code using codepen following is the URL I removed the script which you suggested but still doesn't rotate freely. <script type="text/javascript" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/ThrowPropsPlugin.min.js"></script>
  5. Throwprops is not free I'm aware of it but how to make the rotation move freely?
  6. Hi Guys, I posted earlier to make wheel of divs rotate on drag similar to the link below http://fff.cmiscm.com/#!/main To which @OSUblake replied and I used his feedback to build the attached html file. Now I have two issues 1. Every tme i drag it leads me to Greensock website, the property which forces if Throwprops:true. Please can anyone help me overcome this. 2. Second problem I have how to make sure the div in centre always has zindex 100? like the link above. Please can anyone guide me. scroll.html
  7. hi, I mange to draw the wheel of divs and rotate as per your above example modifying few bits. Right now I want everytime you rotate the middle div to have z-index of 100 and 6 divs on right of middle div to have z-index decreased by 10 and same for 6 divs on left of middle div. I've attached the html file please can you help? total 26 divs scroll.html
  8. Hi OSUblake, there's an array f.posArr=[] which consist of 36 items initially with each item having the values for example. f.posArr[0] = { pos: i * an - 90, // i is index from 0-35 and an is 10 use: 0, cur: 0, item: null, no: i }; so in function af(aE, aB, aD) paramters are given by the l() function function l() { var aD, aB, aC; aD = f.posArr[0]; aC = aD.pos; for (var aB = 0; aB < b; aB++) {//b is 36 aD = f.posArr[aB]; af(aD, aC + (an * aB), aB) //an is 10 } aj() } in af function transform style property is calculated and set for div items (26) My issue is i got the initial load working and I just need to figure out how to rotate the divs in wheel as you can see in the link below http://fff.cmiscm.com/#!/main Each div item has a class name called "items" Need to figure out Draggable.Create function paramters which I'm unable too. Many example i looked upon was rotating outer main div
  9. Hi Carl, I have looked at these but these only rotate outer div which is not good for me? Please look at the stackoverflow post i posted that has my html snippet code running. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45696418/trying-to-create-wheel-of-divs-which-rotate-on-drag I want to make the div s with CSS Class "items" draggable and change their x,y and z-index accordingly as the link i mentioned earlier. I tried few things from the link https://greensock.com/docs/Utilities/Draggable But no luck. Till loading is fine, once loaded on click and drag on mouse the divs should rotate
  10. Hi Guys, I'm trying to create the following. So far succeeded to create the divs at load but unable to rotate on mouse drag can you please help? Here's my file below I just need to know how the rotation can be accomplished when you click and drag mouse in circular motion. All div items inside semi circle have class .items and I'm new to animation. URL my following to build is below http://fff.cmiscm.com/#!/main rotatelDivs.html
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