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  1. There's something for everything in gsap~~
  2. so I know there's element._gsap.rotation for example. But it returns a string like '1.234deg'. Is there an easier way to 'get' inline styles (set previously by gsap). why: I've set random rotations on click, want to turn rotation back to 0 I can't seem to find anything in the documentation (was expecting to see it @ CSSpluggin) thx!
  3. ahh ok I see! Really thought I would improve everything by having a single path to draw vs small pieces. Thanks for explaining!
  4. Thanks for sharing the solution and how you got there. It's been a while, but it was like this: Drew the shape in illustrator. Imported the svg into figma There I flattened the paths to a single vector and exported from here
  5. for some reason, the outline of the logo has to have a very high duration for it to properly animate the svg path. How can I fix this? .from('#logo-stroke', { duration: 12, drawSVG: 0 }, 'start')
  6. const debugMultiplier = 1; gsap.defaults({ ease: 'power2.in', duration: 1 * debugMultiplier, }); ?‍♂️ edit: where did the delete forum-post function go? Obviously this wouldnt work with any animations with a different duration than default
  7. so.. a technique that's quite common for debugging is just multiplying the animations duration to slow down the animation and debug it that way. Now with es6 imports/exports and having different animations in different files, it can be a bit annoying to manage these variables. I was wondering if there's perhaps an internal variable to multiply durations. Otherwise would suggest to add one to the gsap.defaults() function which simply multiplies the duration.
  8. heya dear greensocks ? Look at my beautiful prototype image: So I was thinking of making an image gallery where the front (current) image loops to the back of the gallery and the other images move forwards. While looping through this, the active image will enlarge a bit (forgot to include that in my amazing prototype) and when it loops back, becomes smaller. To give a simulation of depth. Now I'm also thinking in terms of performance of course. The stacking order of images could probably hinder performance as they'll cause a lot of composite layers (may be using the wrong terminology here). I wonder if webgl is necessary perhaps. Technically I'm struggling how to do create this loop. I'm thinking of using a virtual scroll, track the y-value and update the progress. Perhaps this could be done with a gsap timeline that receives the progress variable in .totalProgress(). Then there's the animation itself, would probably be done best with a bezier curve I assume. I wonder if anyone made something similar and can perhaps give me some pointers if this is feasible or if it's gonna be really hard to be executed. Or some feedback from a design perspective whether this is something that looks great in my mind but really ugly in the browser thx for reading!
  9. ok was a bit too quick.. I had a .yarnrc with `registry "https://npm.greensock.com/"` in it. Kinda forgot why, might have to do with previous problems I had when I was trying to download the licensed packages from the greensock registry
  10. Trying to install virtual-scroll package, was really surprised to see that it was trying to fetch it from greensock.com instead of npm. What could I do to fix this? yarn add virtual-scroll master ✭ yarn add v1.22.5 warning package.json: No license field [1/4] ? Resolving packages... [2/4] ? Fetching packages... error An unexpected error occurred: "https://npm.greensock.com/virtual-scroll/-/virtual-scroll-2.1.0.tgz: Request failed \"500 Internal Server Error\"".
  11. uninstalled the .tgz, installed using the instructions, works perfectly!
  12. no worries at all. thanks for creating such a great product
  13. ah! Interesting too know. Coincidentally, I also use Nuxt 2 on this project so another reason for me to keep using Yarn. I've personally never had problems with either npm or yarn, but perhaps I'm not enough of a power-user I suppose in the meantime the best way to use gsap3+bonus tools is to install locally, right?
  14. for me its: yarn upgrade-interactive --latest that's it honestly I don't do much with these tools apart from just installing and upgrading. @ZachSaucier which makes me curious! what other uses do you use npm for and what other features are important for you?
  15. same problem for me. Before it worked fine. - i've tried empty'ing ~/.npmrc then reload and add back my token - I've added a new .npmrc in my project with the token neither worked.
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