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  1. [facepalm] I should've thought of that—clearly I didn't have enough coffee before posting. Thanks!
  2. A question about performance here. The context: I'm using GSAP to create an interactive, animated menu. For most of the things I need to do, TweenLite is all that I need. The one exception is a staggered reveal effect on the menu items. I'm debating whether to: include TweenMax and use .staggerTo, or just use a .forEach loop triggering a series of TweenLite.to calls. I put together a fast and dirty test in the linked Codepen (I included an absurdly large number of menu items just for testing purposes). In Chrome with 6x CPU throttling it appears that using TweenMax.staggerTo is much more performant than the .forEach + TweenLite.to option—I'm getting about twice the frame rate. Is there anything I could do that anyone can think of to improve the performance of the .forEach option? I'd really prefer to avoid including TweenMax just for the stagger. Thanks in advance.
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