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  1. Hello, i have a question, I can deselect succesfully all of the objects using this if (manager.selectedItems.length > 0) { manager.deselectAll(); } But now only need to deselect the current selected object and I try something like this without success, namSelect=e.currentTarget.name; var nombre:String for (var k:Number = 0; k < pictures.length; k++) { if (pictures[k].name==namSelect) { nombre=k; break; } } if (manager.selectedItems.length > 0) { manager.deselectItem(nombre); } This is the correct form to use this function deselectItem()?
  2. Hello Jack, again me, Sorry, on more question it is possible to add a scroll bar only when the text are out bounds of the text field or Know if this are happening?
  3. Thanks Jack, One question when I encrease the text in a text field the drag square dont actualize, Is possible to do this call one of you functions? I sen an example.
  4. Hello Jack. Is possible to restrict the rezisable area in a text field, the minimum must be the the width and height of the text field when the text are full filled the text field , In the forum and the documentation you mentioned. i try to do something but not works. manager.addEventListener(TransformEvent.SCALE, onScale); function onScale(e:TransformEvent):void { var namScale=e.items[0].targetObject; namScale.minScaleX=30; namScale.minScaleY=30; }
  5. with this solution have some success, now can be Know the kind of the object selected [object MovieClip], but i need to Know the instanceName of the object. we add the object using manager.addItem() example var manager:TransformManager; manager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[],lockRotation:true,bounds:new Rectangle(36, 117, 366, 319),scaleFromCenter:false,constrainScale:false,allowMultiSelect:false, forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:false}); manager.handleSize = 5; var myTextField2:TextField = new TextField(); function crear(textDeafult):void { var textInside:String=textDeafult; myTextField2 = new TextField(); myTextField2.type = TextFieldType.INPUT; myTextField2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE; myTextField2.background = true; myTextField2.backgroundColor= 0xFFFF0000; myTextField2.borderColor= 0x4B0101; myTextField2.embedFonts = true; myTextField2.name ="textoOB"+iniTextNum; myTextField2.defaultTextFormat= format1; myTextField2.text = textInside; myTextField2.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeText); myTextField2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, selItem); myTextField2.alpha=.8; textos.push(myTextField2); addChild(myTextField2); manager.addItem(myTextField2); If select some object, I need to get the instance or the name, example "textoOB0, textoOB1" or the number of object to use in to Array may be your targetObjects:[]
  6. Excelent, one more thing, Itry servereal Things, but still trace me selected [object TransformItem] is posible Know this instances,
  7. Hello Again I have another question, I detect the object Using next: function selItem(e:MouseEvent) { if (manager.selectedItems.length > 0) { MovieClip(root).campo.text="seleccionado Se mueve "+namSelect+" ob "+nombre+" length "+textos.length+"manager.selectedItems"+manager.selectedItems.length; } namSelect=e.currentTarget.name; // for (var k:Number = 0; k < textos.length; k++) { if (textos[k].name==namSelect) { nombre=k; break; } } } but when you put the cursor in the border of the object and the drag icon appears you can move the object but you can get the name of the object, only get the name of the object when you are clicking in the middle I think this is a part invisible above of the object, I try to use your recomendation var manager:TransformManager; manager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[],lockRotation:true,bounds:new Rectangle(36, 117, 366, 319),scaleFromCenter:false,constrainScale:false,allowMultiSelect:false, forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:false}); manager.handleSize = 5; manager.addEventListener(TransformEvent.SELECT, mySelectionHander); function mySelectionHandler(event:TransformEvent):void { for (var i:int = 0; i < event.items.length; i++) { trace("selected "+event.items); } } but dont work, In this project I´m adding Objects Dynamicly Other question, In the case of test boxes, by the adobe documentation, is not possible yet add a alpha to the backgroundcolor to the inputText field, is posible to do in you app. Thanks again and have a good day
  8. Hi Again, one more question, exist one function to know if any or some manager object(s) are selected
  9. Hello Again, First thanks for all your help, and congratulations for your solution. I find the solution to my question thanks again
  10. Basicly, I need to re create the position, Scale an size of the objects every time it user acces to his page, and need to save the data of his objects, to this the solution is use the matrix? or simply can acces to the name of the object and aply this parameters directly(the x y height and width only)
  11. Hi again. Another two question, how can I detect which is the instance of the movie the user selected and you have somo example to use the "matrix" to store the data, thanks
  12. Thanks, & sorry , one question more, it´s posible in the text field to restrict the field text when the box is full,?
  13. Hello again I buy your solution,In your example function very well, I copy your examples in a new .fla and not works, for example if you use this import com.greensock.transform.*; import com.greensock.events.TransformEvent; import flash.geom.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.display.MovieClip; import fl.controls.*; var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[myClip1, myClip2]}); return the output window this 1172: Definition com.greensock.transform could not be found. and other3 lines of error In which part assign your component or activate your code, which step i miss
  14. Hello Im evaluating your commponets, it´s possible to do This. Create and put objects in a restricted area (square) taking data from a XML. Upoload images in to the square from links. obtain the data (parameters) of the objects when the user close the app and write into the XML file Parameters position x y and z size width heigth content image & text control bounds of objects
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